四郎 * 【七朵水仙花】 * Seven Daffodils * 感时花溅泪
文章来源: yijuhua2009-05-30 12:42:15

四兄弟 * 七朵水仙花 * Seven Daffodils * 山音情深


没有凌乱纷繁的伴舞, 没有扑朔迷离的灯光,没有喧嚣吵闹的电器,
pure music, if u like to call it that way. :)

歌词亦自然优美,元贞拙朴,白描的真切事物 与泼墨的浪漫无极..........
宛入.......三百年前的某个山麓, 一对恩爱甜蜜的恋人,
forget me and what I said here!  listen and enjoy it yourself, or yourselves~~ :)

四 兄弟   --   七朵 水仙花

The Brothers Four - Seven Daffodils

I may not have mansion, I haven't any land
Not even a paper dollar to crinkle in my hands
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills
但, 我可以带你看那千山的晨曦,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils
还, 吻你, 并 送你七朵水仙花。

I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things
But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings
但, 我会为你将月光编织成项链和指环,
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills
还, 带你去看那千山的晨曦,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils
还, 吻你, 并 给你七朵水仙花。

Oh seven golden daffodils all shining in the sun
To light our way to evening when our day is done
And I will give music and a crust of bread
我会给你音乐, 还有 焦脆的面包片,
And a pillow of piny boughs to rest your head
还有 一只松枝枕头 让你枕上歇息,
A pillow of piny boughs to rest your head
一只松枝枕头 让你枕上歇息。

欲知四郎何许人也,  且听下回分解: :)   


500 Miles - The Brothers Four
