雜果smoothies 瓜菜湯 七彩豬肉絲 腐乳炒通菜 特別茄子湯 港式早餐牛骨湯和其它
文章来源: 大媽豬2008-10-14 18:36:55
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這里有紅莓果,黃莓,黑莓和獼猴桃(kiwi) 在香港銅羅灣見過他們是怎樣做的,是用碎冰,奶粉,糖,和你要的生果,放在攪拌器里攪幾下就可以喝了,我的方法更筒單,只用冰碎,練奶,和生果.這 是越南人做法.

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材料: 豬肉絲,金針菇,韭菜花,紅黃甜椒.

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港式早餐 牛骨湯
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這個星期又買了用草飼料的牛扒,覺得價錢也不貴,16.99一磅,在超市買要23.99一磅,用草飼料的牛扒有牛肉味,吃起上來的texture也好似以前的牛肉,我只用蒜頭鹽(garlic salt)醃些牛扒,醃15分鐘,然后每面煎五分鐘.就很好吃的了.
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老婆: 今晚的晚餐靚嗎?
老公: 靚..but the cut of fish is not professional (笑著來講)
老婆: ok..what ever you said it's recorded. (不笑)
老公: what about it?
老婆: I will tell all my friends in 文學城 what you had just said.
老公: Oh!!! then he zip his mouth..哈哈~~~~