文章来源: icyrosy2008-01-30 00:31:10
这阵子想买豆浆机,发现国内同款的比这里便宜一半价钱。然后就琢磨着买个电压转换器不就得了(英文应该叫voltage converter / transformer),后来上网一查,发现学问还挺大。正好以前也有姐妹问过,现在就把我懂的告诉大家,欢迎补充!

1。国内是220v,这里110v,所以我们要买的是step up这种,不是step down,一定不要搞反了。
2。我们要买的step up这种的一般都比step down同watt数的要贵,并且随着watt数的增加,转换器的体积和重量dynamically 增长,50w可能还比巴掌小,1000w可能比豆浆机外包装小不了多少,并且重达20lb左右,姐妹们单手提估计都费劲了。
Do voltage converters convert the cycle (Hz)?

All voltage converters only convert the voltage and not the cycle, however most appliances and electronics will function properly with them.

North American 110-120 volt electricity is generated at 60 Hz. (Cycles) Alternating Current. Most foreign 220-240 volt electricity is generated at 50 Hz. (Cycles) Alternating Current. This difference in cycles may cause the motor in your 60 Hz. North American appliance to operate slightly slower when used on 50 Hz. foreign electricity. This cycle difference will also cause analog clocks and timing circuits that use Alternating Current as a timing base to keep incorrect time. Most modern electronic equipment including battery chargers, computers, printers, stereos, tape and CD players, VCR/DVD players, etc. will not be affected by the difference in cycles.


大家若有转换器购买经验的,欢迎一起来分享。BTW,我要买个200w的:),好像要19。99+7shipping fee,有没有更好的deal啊?