普塞尔歌曲:《Man is for the woman made》 Andreas Scholl 演唱
文章来源: 法国薰衣草2010-12-04 01:33:25

Man, man man  is for the woman made,
And the woman made for man;
As the spur is for the jade,
As the scabbard for the blade,
As for digging is the spade,
As for liquor is the can,
So man is for the woman made,
And the woman made for man.

As the scepter to be sway'd,
As for night's the serenade,
As for pudding is the pan,
And to cool us is the fan,
So man is for the woman made,
And the woman made for man.

Be she widow, wife or maid,
Be she wanton, be she stayed,
Be she well or ill array'd,
Whore, bawd or harridan,
Yet man is for the woman made,
And the woman made for man.

亨利·普赛尔 (Henry Purcell,1659-1695),是巴洛克早期的英国作曲家,曾历任查理二世国王弦乐队的作曲师,威斯敏斯特教堂的管风琴师,皇家教堂的三名管风琴师之一,毕生差不多都是在威斯敏斯特教堂度过的。普赛尔十岁起在皇室小圣堂中充当歌童,直到1673年他的嗓子被唱伤为止。于是他改任为后改任皇室乐器保管员约翰·亨杰斯顿的助手;普赛尔大约在1680年和1681年间结婚,从那时起,他便开始写作

[感想]人来到这个世界多要结伴而行,漫步人生,自古以来人们总想解密什么样的人适合搭档:星座呀,血型啊,现在有科学家试图采用气味分析, 昨天在arte电视里看到一个节目某个实验室:只用人的口水来测试人的相合程度, 你们相信吗?人是这么简单的吗?