新拨弦波尔卡 Neue-Pizzicato-Polka; op. 449 - 指挥:Carlos Kleiber
文章来源: 法国薰衣草2010-03-24 05:50:49

Carlos Kleiber: Conductor
Wiener Philharmoniker
"Die Regentropf-Polka (Neue Pizzicato-Polka)" Op.449

Neue Pizzicato Polka (German: New Pizzicato-Polka), opus 449, is a polka composed by Johann Strauss II. It was written in 1892 for concerts to be given under Eduard Strauss in Hamburg. Strauss later inserted the work as a ballet between the second and third acts of his operetta Fürstin Ninetta (Princess Ninetta).