Rackwick 海滩 - Phamie Gow
文章来源: 法国薰衣草2009-02-10 18:57:24

昨晚听到这一段,我说一定要找到它,好了找到了,原来是Phamie Gow 的音乐,第一次知道她的名字是她那曲War Song

Rackwick Bay - Piano solo by Phamie Gow from her new album "Moments of Time"

Scottish born Phamie Gow is an award winning, multi-talented musician. Not only is she a renowned for her ground breaking performances as a harpist, she is also a talented singer, pianist, whistle player, accordionist, composer and producer! Phamie's unique rhythmic and exciting musical style have helped to challenge traditional perceptions of harp playing and through collaborations with a wide range of musicians and instruments she has maintained a vibrant fresh sound. Phamie has toured extensively around Europe, America and Canada, performing in festivals and distinguished concert halls including The Carnegie Hall in New York.