文章来源: 小贝过河2005-04-18 08:21:10
今天CHECK EMAIL的时候看到在德国交的2个新加坡朋友来的E。我们曾经在一起玩过 很多次,一起TRAVEL,一起吃饭,一起爬山。其实他们那个GROUP人很多。不过因为 性格个性缘故,我和S和E最玩的来。 S刚刚离开慕尼黑。我去年离开慕以后,E2个月后离开。而S又留下半年多。S说:Leaving Munich is not so easy as I had good memories there esp with you and E. I kept thinking how nice if we were back to last year again! We had so much fun and were carefree from jobs. I am indeed cherishing these memories every now and then. That's why E and I keep talking about you : ) RANDOM的生活让我们认识互相喜欢,共度很多快乐的时光,让以后的生活永远有那 样的回忆。感谢生活。