insulted at Midland/McNicole Rona store
文章来源: sherringtonshi2009-06-11 08:30:21
On June 4 2009, I went to the Rona at Midland/McNicole to try to return a 12 liters Driveway Sealer I bought at the store on May 17, 2009.
The reason I want to return it because I just couldn\'t mix it to a workable state as the instructions on the bucket suggest. The solid contents condensed to the bottom and separated from the water in less than 10 seconds after the mixture. I couldn\'t use it with a roller to do my driveway.
I went to the service counter at the store and the clerk checked the bucket and sealer inside and I told him I haven\'t used it and the reason why I couldn\'t use it. Then he called an associates manager to come and let me wait. When the associate manager comes, he took the bucket away and came back 10 minutes later telling me nothing wrong with the sealer. I told him again I can\'t mix it to do my driveway.
Then the associate manager said to me, You have to take it back and door is right behind you. And he pushed the bucket towards me. I insisted to return it and he told the clerk at the counter in a low voice but I still could hear it, Don\'t do refund, don\'t do refund. And then he turned to me and said, You can go home and see your dad...
I was frustrated at that moment and went upstairs to their management office looking for the store manager. I didn\'t find the store manager first but a lady escorted me and she found the operations manager to the counter. In no minutes, I got the refund.
When I told the operations manager how the associate manager insulted me, the operations manager just tried to cover things up by saying that I didn\'t hear him well and of course the associates manager refused to admit what he had said to me.
I was not satisfied with the product I bought in the beginning, but now I am totally not satisfied with the service at Rona at Midland/McNicole and its management. My feeling was hurt badly as a customer to the store and the icon of Rona has broken in my heart.

I want full written apologies from the Assciates Manager who insulted me at the store and the operations manager for not listening to his customer.