What a lucky day!
文章来源: 平安是福mtl2011-04-21 07:59:12

I parked the wrong spot yesterday (the second line of the row with no back-parking). When I walked to my car and ready to leave, noticed one car was parked behind mine with very limited distance. I tried many times but couldn’t make it to move out.

I realized I was wasting time if I continue trying as I knew for sure I was unable to make it.

Then I thought of two options:

1) Call somebody (co-worker) to help.

2) Call security to find out the owner of the car behind mine and ask him to move his car.

But both take time and I would be very late to my daughter’s daycare.

Then I saw a gentleman coming and asked him to help with no hesitation. After trying more than 5 times with my instruction of moving or stopping, he finally moved the car out.

It’s already so late and unfortunately the traffic was so bad. I decided to stop thinking of the fine by the daycare and listened to music to relax.

I was 20 minutes late when I arrived at daycare! I said sorry with sincere to the educators and prepared to pay money. You know what? The two ladies were so nice and told me it’s ok and not a problem with SMILES!

Am I lucky enough?! My husband was always asked to pay every time he was late.

What a nice thing if I wrote this in French!

Have a good day to everybody and wish you luck like me everyday!