文章来源: biglow2021-02-03 19:42:22


首先呢,我这些天看到的悲观的论点越来越多。我就说呢,我自打提出来Trump暂时离场的观点后,到目前为止,没有看到任何强有力的证据来改变那个结论。反而看到的是越来越多的破绽显示拜登是个伪政府。宣誓的时候搞录像(那样万幡阵就能阻挡住民众,自然没有闲人人能到现场去看);白宫夜里熄灯,拜登在椭圆办公室的录像也让人挖出来在Castle Rock 片场拍的,连周围的场景都对上号了。现在更多的国民警卫队到达DC,那是为了防谁啊?白宫新闻发布会,连屋里的布景都对不上号。我就问那么一句,要是真的你们费那么大的劲作假干什么?然后圈内媒体协同作假,是不是原形毕露?相反,Trump这边没有任何动静。这么高调的人物没动静,是不是有些让人觉得恐怖?

前几天有个消息是说Trump在湖海庄园遇刺,子弹被防弹玻璃挡住了。这个是不是真的,很难说,不过看报道觉得比较不真实。狙击手刺杀用7毫米的子弹,似乎太小了。不过如果要是用精确控制的无人机,那倒是有可能。这件事情本身不必要太过探讨真实性,但是确实是敲一个警钟。我原来的点评里提到过的,Trump的人身安全是重点,我总觉得大选后的安保更重要。从目前弹劾进程以及各种致Trump家族于死地的烂招术来看,Trump对DS的威胁恐怕比他们之前认为地更大,其实这次尽管地方政府和法院对舞弊装作看不见,但是Trump的实力,DS一定是看到了,所以才如此惊恐。对方的动作也反映出来台面下的斗争是白热化的,你死我活,绝不是Trump和平退后就完了的事情。如果Trump是因为DS 拿脏弹要挟而收手,那么DS刺杀完全可以扔一个脏弹,反正主流媒体可以帮助掩盖的。所以我个人认为1月20日绝不是人质要挟的结果,更符合Trump和平退场,中场休息的结论。当然也有说法是国防部长把之前的顾问委员都开掉了,代理防长也走人了。这个下面执行层面的指挥人员动了吗?Flynn的弟弟升任太平洋司令是怎么回事?现在的要害是指挥链,而不是上面的光杆司令。





1. Pray, pray, pray. Pray Psalms 35, 37, 140-145.

2. Tell your friends who think the election was legal to go get a mental health examination. They are the ones who are crazy or willfully ignorant.

3. Call a Communist a Communist. Do not be intimidated - exercise your free speech to the maximum extent allowed by law.

4. Make sure you do not buy anything made in China. When you a find a cell phone made in America, throw away your iPhone. In the meantime, do not spend a dime with Apple, Google, Amazon, Walmart, or other major companies who do business with the enemy. Cut off their money. Boycott them.

5. Write members of the military and tell them you love the fact that they will never dishonor their oath to defend the Constitution, freedom, and the People.

6. Injustice inflicted on one is injustice inflicted on all. Stand up for your fellow Patriots. If one is being mistreated or harassed for their belief in freedom and support of President Trump, flood the enemy with emails and voice mails with words supporting your fellow Patriot and decrying injustice. Stand up for your fellow Patriots. Let your voice be heard over and over again.

7. Turn off your television. Do NOT watch any mainstream media. None of their movies, comedies, game shows, or other meaningful mind junk.

8. Read books that tell you how to effectively battle Communism and lawfully resist a color revolution.

9. Don’t be afraid to wear a MAGA cap. The enemy is scared to death of them.

10. Consider selling your stocks before the enemy intentionally crashes the market to steal your money. 401(k)’s are worth $0 under communism. Buy precious metals and land.

11. Protect yourself, your family and your friends.

12. Organize your communities. Talk to the leaders in your church. Designate leaders in your community and meet regularly. Share truthful news. Take shelter in the Word of God and surround yourself with believers. Offer help to non-believers. Lead by example.

13. If your employer is a Communist or Communist sympathizer, find another job. There will be a Patriot who will help you with a job. For the short term, stock up on essentials and prepare to live a more frugal lifestyle. It will be short term pain but it sure beats the lifestyle under Communism.

14. Resist any “friend” or “leader” who urges capitulation to the enemy. Don’t tolerate being told to do something (or refrain from doing something) that in so doing you feel violates your basic human rights or the Bill of Rights. Follow the truth of God. Do not cohort with the enemy.

15. Identify the enemy in federal, state, local government and flood their emails and voice mails with demands for freedom and recognition of your God-given rights.

16. If your friend does not care to stand up for freedom, find another friend who does. The former will end up being friends with the enemy. Do not fear rejecting such people. Freedom deserves better.

17. Spend as little money as possible. Cut off and limit the enemy’s receipt and use of sales tax.

18. After you organize your community, identify lawyers who are Patriots who will assist you when you lawfully and non-violently resist unconstitutional demands, such as wearing a mask or limiting the number of people in your home or your church. They cannot put us all in jail.

19. Stop waiting on others to protect your freedom. Make sacrifices yourself for liberty. It will be well worth it. If not for you, then for your children and your grandchildren and generations to come.

20. Talk to members of your community in person and form a plan for community unity and protection. Care for other more than yourself. Especially when it comes to standing up for freedom.

21. Love all and forgive all but always demand justice and righteousness.