玫瑰费南雪 和 关于科罗拉多的十个细节
文章来源: morningLV2011-04-25 21:02:46










  2008年初夏,我跟着朋友一家去科州西南游览,几个国家公园走下来,看了峡谷、沙丘,也在高崖上听了很久涛涛不绝的松风。那些不凡的地貌如今都变成了记忆中的片断。一路上把视觉连缀、填满又染上亮色的,是行程中那连绵不绝,层层叠叠,气势恢宏,又磅礴壮美的莽原雪山。我清楚记得车子沿着Million Dollar Byway盘山而上的时候,前后远近无处不山,千山岭上无峰不雪。层层新雪下有万古不化的冻土做底,雪色超出峰峦之上,大到占满一天一地,庄严已极。神话中的巍巍昆仑是一个圆融无碍的宇宙,藏边人把冈仁波齐峰看作神灵之山造化之主,当时眼前的雪山威凛高原,也同样震撼了我们一行人的心灵。在雪域光辉中我们盘山而上,仿佛前来朝圣的信徒,带着崇敬和膜拜的心,履行转山的仪式。  

     2009年秋,Maroon Bells,凌晨五点的停车场。四周寂静无声。身处峡谷,抬头看得见两山间托出的一片星空。星星褪下去的时候,我在湖边支好脚架,装上滤镜,开始一次次的曝光。湖水不漾一丝涟漪,山谷在两侧对称地展开,金灿灿的白桦像古建筑中伟岸的庭柱。太阳升起时,那光在瞬间照上主峰,让我想起古希腊的神殿:在一年中有限的几个时刻,阳光穿过幽暗的殿堂,聚集在高大的石像之上,石像在一刹那间变得金碧辉煌,发出撼动人心的光芒。我看见这静立在晨光里的山峰,不也看见它一万年前的光芒?这幽谷是座落在时间洪流里的神殿,教人懂得敬畏永恒。镜头里,那光红得动人心魄,胭脂一样洒上山顶,掠过积雪,衬着山边正灿烂的白桦。 














  Boulder有一条Pearl Street。街上有我最爱的书店,手工艺店,咖啡和画廊。洛基山脚的天气常年阳光灿烂,云有时被山风吹成一线,轻纱似的横在山前天上。好天气里,总是能看见CU的学生在这里自得其乐地或唱或舞或弹奏。郁金香节的时候,几百个小孩子打扮成天使、精灵、公主、王子的样子在街上走过。天使的小翅膀上兜住了满满的春意,一路走一路洒。街边总是种着花,附近街区的人家也各有花树。我在园艺上完全没有天赋,所以很乐得到这里来看各时节不同的花。09年的郁金香开得最好,只从街上经过就让人心里自然地涌起诗情画意。借用沈老的句子看过很多云,行过很多桥,喝过很多不同种类的酒的人来到这里,大概也会爱上这些正当最好时光的花儿。







费南雪Financier (方子来自Sherry Yard) 



我做了一个小小的改造:在面糊里加入了一些糖渍玫瑰花瓣――这是N姐昨天刚刚给我的宝物J 。我在费南雪的表面又放了一只切成两半的覆盆子(raspberry),这一花一果向来是绝配的组合,费南雪入口后,甜酸互相衬着,再加上玫瑰特有的香气,吃起来极有回味。N姐,下次我做这个小点心给你尝~

Here's is Sherry Yard's master recipe for a financier. Sherry is pastry chef at Spago. Her recipes have wonderful flavor and easy to follow. In her book The Secrets of Baking she takes a tutorial approach in which she teaches a basic recipe and then variations on it.

Her note: Once you make this cake, you'll see why I love it so much. It's very nice served on it's own, or with fruit.
If you are baking it in a standard pan, coat the pan lightly with pan spray and line it with parchment, cut to fit the bottom of the pan exactly. A final, light coat of pan spray on the paper helps to keep it from sticking to the finished cake. If you are using an intricately shaped pan, such as a fluted mold, a layer of parchment paper is not possible. In that case, a light dusting of flour over the pan spray will do the trick. Place a tablespoon or two of flour in the sprayed mold, swirl it around to coat the entire surface, then tap out the excess.
It is important that the butter not be too hot when you add it to the batter. It needs to cool at room temperature, but it must remain liquid. If it's hot, your cake will be gooey or clumpy. Melt and brown it about 30 minutes before you begin, so that it will cool sufficiently.

Master Financier
1/2 pound unsalted butter
1 1/4 almond flour or almond meal
3/4 cup cake flour
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
8 large egg whites, at room temperature

Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook until the solids separate and brown to a dark golden color, 7 to 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool at room temperature until it reaches 70 degrees F, about 30 minutes. Don't chill it. It needs to remain in liquid form — but it al
so can't be hot when you add it to the other ingredients. Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Adjust the rack to the center of the oven. Spray a 10-x-2-inch round cake pan with pan spray, line it with a piece of parchment paper, then coat the paper lightly with pan spray.

Toast 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons of the almond flour in a small baking dish in the oven for 5 t0 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Sift together the toasted and untoasted almond flour, cake flour and powdered sugar into the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, or use a large bowl and a hand mixer. Turn the machine on low and mix the dry ingredients for 30 seconds. Add the egg whites all at once and mix on medium speed for 3 minutes.

Add the melted butter all at once. Be sure to scrape in all the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Mix for 3 minutes on medium speed, scraping down the sides of the bowl well (butter tends to sink to the bottom). Financier batter will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. When using refrigerated batter, be sure to bring it back to room temperature, then stir the entire mixture from the bottom up to the top to reincorporate any butter that might have separated and sunk to the bottom. Beat the batter by hand or with a mixer to warm it up and mix it well.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 15 minutes. Rotate the cake for even browning and bake for 15 minutes more, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in the pan on a rack for 5 minutes, then invert it onto a rack, remove the cake pan and parchment, and cool completely before serving. Wrapped airtight, financier will keep at room temperature for up to 2 days or in the freezer for 2 weeks.

