请看股市内部消息,UFO 的故事。。。
文章来源: 马游游2007-10-09 21:02:40

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Summary of Today's Trading Actions: Metals and energy stocks perked up after Monday’s selloff and led the upside for most of the Tuesday's session. The commodities rally looks far from over, despite the high percentage gains since August.

** The stock-market continues to race to new highs...

    The only exception: the Russell 2000.  This index is
    now displaying relative-weakness on a short-term (the
    RUT could not better last week's highs) and on a
    longer-term basis (the RUT did not break its 07' highs,
    even though it is very close).  If this index continues to
    lag, that would put the current market rally into question.

For a little fun, watch my UFO story:

UFO Controversy:

Description: At the Houston Airshow on Oct. 6, 2007 at Ellington Air Field, I recorded a video clip of an F-15 jet performing a vertical climbing to the Sun. I did not notice anything at the time, but when I viewed it at home I discovered a black object in the sky. After uploading it to YouTube, some viewers believe it was a balloon and others think it was a blind spot. I don't remeber seeing any balloon that day, now I am gathering more clips either on that day from other video makers or on UFO related clips. My clip was taken roughly around noon time on the 6th. Feel free to comment on them.

Link: Houston Airshow

Thank you for watching,

Market Swimmer