文章来源: chic2005-11-06 18:20:31

昨天出去买东西,杂七杂八就买了一堆。其中包括12本书, 2本新的,10本旧的~ 厚厚厚 :)


现在懒得很,看书也不是很起劲儿。目前共有四本书在读,写在下面算是对自己小小鞭策一下。(如果过了半年还没看完就太羞人答答了! 嘻嘻)


Dude, where’s my country, by Michael Moore


The little friend, by Donna Tartt




The speckled people, by Hugo Hamilton




How to be idle, by Tom Hodgkinson [I know I know, I STILL haven’t finished it yet. But speed-reading this book is against the spirit of this lofty volume, so I make it my commitment, or at least a shameless excuse, to read it slowly in an excessive manner. ;)]




每本书都有吸引我的地方。等我看完了 [半年以后某一天 ;)],再来细细话你知。


昨天还买了一双靴子,从我的新宠鞋店 Bakers。大力推荐该鞋店的说,非常不 cliché~