文章来源: 老X2021-10-18 11:51:30

川普要他的信徒们放弃 2022 中期选举和 2024 大选的投票,是他受高人指点,知道其没有胜算?鼓惑民众放弃民主投票,这就是破坏美国的民主机制。他的那些毫无依据的 2020 选举作弊的声称,早已被法庭驳持得体无完肤,且在他也已经没有任何的新”证据“下,还如此坚持,不正是给其信徒及共和党下套吗?


Trump tells Republicans not to vote if his 2020 election loss isn't 'solved'


Rachel Maddow reports on a statement by Donald Trump with perhaps the most bipartisan appeal of anything he has ever uttered: that if his Big Lie about his losing bid for reelection in 2020 isn't "solved," then Republicans will not vote in 2022 or 2024.