美国“花生酱”v. 中国“三鹿奶”
文章来源: 老X2009-02-18 22:13:28

美国“花生酱”v. 中国“三鹿奶”

造成八人死亡,六百多人感染生病的美国花生酱沙门氏病菌案,形同去年发生在中国的三鹿奶掺假案,在两个不同的社会,“社会主义 v.资本主义”,产生了大同小异的社会效应,舆论遣责、政府干预、司法介入、公司破产、云云。





ATLANTA – The peanut processing company at the heart of a national salmonella outbreak filed for bankruptcy Friday, a sign the beleaguered company plans to cease business in the wake of the health scare.

The Virginia-based Peanut Corp. of America filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in bankruptcy court in Lynchburg, Va. The Chapter 7 filing allows for an orderly sale of the company's assets to pay creditors.

"It's regrettable, but it's inevitable with the events of last month," said Andrew S. Goldstein, a bankruptcy lawyer in Roanoke, Va., who filed the petition.

The nationwide salmonella outbreak that has sickened some 600 people and may have caused nine deaths was traced to the company's plant in Blakely, Ga., where inspectors found roaches, mold and a leaking roof. A second plant in Texas was shuttered this week after preliminary tests came back positive for possible salmonella contamination.

Companies file Chapter 7 to liquidate their assets and distribute the proceeds to creditors. A trustee is automatically appointed to oversee the wind down, as opposed to a Chapter 11 filing that gives a company breathing room while it tries to reduce its debts and continue in business. The company said in the filing that its debt and assets both ranged between $1 million and $10 million.