请大家帮忙看看我的甲状腺ultrasoud report结果
文章来源: 郝大夫2009-01-13 13:36:33
前几个星期发贴问过关于TSH < 0.01低的问题,(t3是36%,略高, t4正常) 现在ultrasoud report结果出来了。

There are two solid nodules seen in the mid right lobe, measuring 1.2x0.6x1.1cm and 1.1x0.5x0.9cm. two nodules are also seen in the mid left lobe measuring 0.9x0.5x0.7cm and 1.7x0,7x1.2cm.

这是不是就是甲状腺囊肿呢?严重吗?这是不是就是导致TSH 低 的原因?还有这些nodules 会不会暂时的?和一年前生孩子有关吗? 我现在能做什莫呢?要做活检吗?还得等一个月才能见内分泌专家, 急死了。。。恳请懂医的朋友帮忙解读一下,万分感激!!!

You have multinodular goiter b/c your sonogram showed multiple nodules. The question is , is any of them secreting thyroid hormone? any nodules that is hyperfunctioning (making too much thyroid hormone) is almost never cancer. For those who doesn't make thyroid hormone, you need to have biopsy to rule out cancer. This is too complicated to discuss in here, that's why you need to see your endo to discuss this.

good luck.

by Jiamei