文章来源: 索尔2007-08-19 12:09:24


This was taken evening around 5:30PM from SF's Twin Peaks lookout, unfortunately moonrise occurred 45 minutes after sunset, so I wasn't able get much definition in the sky. This would have been much better the day before, with the moon just as full, and moonrise happened at the same time as sunset, I wasn't prepared, and when I saw the specatcle from my window, it was too late to drive up to the lookout in time. Some of the landmarks: at extreme left the tall pyramid is the Transamerica building, below and to its right is the dome of City Hall, the overexposed river of lights is Market Street, SF's main drag, to the right of Market St is the SOMA district where I work, above that is the Bay Bridge, and across the bay are the lights of Berkeley, Oakland, and Alameda. ISO 400, 70mm. focal length, the exposure time reads 0"6, I assume is the same as 1/6?------Tan Yilmaz