文章来源: gudiannvzi2012-12-21 22:14:39

那边说:“妈咪,你知道明天是‘世界末日’吗?------- 虽然我也不是很相信,但是以防万一,我还是想和你说几句话”
“妈咪,我想和你说 :‘我很爱你!-- 我非常感谢你在我一生中为我所付出的一切!’

Noon, I was dinning with friends.
Suddenly the phone rang; my daughter’s gentle voice came over: "Mommy!"
This semester, since her returned school at the end of summer, she didn’t back home. For respecting her private living space, I rarely phoned her, in case I had urgency. It was strange that today was Thursday noon, how she thought to call me?
I responded: "My child, I'm glad to hear from you!"
And she said: "Mommy, don’t you know that tomorrow is the day of World Doom? ------- Although I do not quite believe that, just in case, I still want to speak a few words with you."
"Mummy, I want to say: 'I love you - I express my thanks to you for I own you too much!'"
My eyes got wet.
I replied: "My child, I love you too, I am lucky and very grateful to you to be my daughter if World Doom really came, then we would reunite in heaven!"


In a heavy sense of happiness, at such a moment, I would like to pass my words to my friends.
I want to tell them:
it is you that make my life rich in meaning! during the time we get along, thank you for the supports, understandings and tolerances!