文章来源: 疯老大2007-08-21 13:39:40
My D's teachers already told me that I should send her to Dance lessons.
来源: crazydog07-07-09 12:44:15
回答: 我来挖一坑吧:大家会让很小的孩子去学音乐、绘画之类的么?猪妈VIVI2007-07-09 12:36:50

dance lessons because she is good at it. I am still hesitating--3 is too young.

Definitely not 绘画 lesson before 6-8 as she draws amazingly well and with such imagination. I don't want that creativity to be killed by lessons.

As for 琴, I will wait for her to be very interested in music and ask me for it.