看新闻,学英语!VOA 双语新闻 - 星期一 (07142008) (ZT)
文章来源: YuGong2008-06-30 16:42:23

星期一 (07142008)

China Detains 100 in Connection with Riot

Police in southwest China say they have arrested 100 people, including 39 gang members, for their involvement in a major riot last month. A protest on June 28th involving 30 thousand people left government buildings and cars burned in Weng'an, in Guizhou province.

Crowds stormed police and government headquarters after allegations spread that police had covered up the rape and murder of a local teenage girl, allegedly by the son of a local official.

Local officials have said that frustration with high crime rates and shoddy police work contributed to the unrest. They also said local authorities often failed to properly deal with residents complaints about mining operations, demolition of homes for city building, and other issues.




US Investors React Favorably to Efforts to Help Mortgage Giants

Investors have welcomed moves by the United States government to shore up two of the nation's biggest mortgage lenders. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced a series of proposals Sunday to bolster Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own or guarantee almost half of all U.S. home loans -- worth more than five-trillion dollars. The government-sponsored lenders have lost billions of dollars during the recent wave of mortgage defaults.

Some economists say if just one of the companies fails, the result could be catastrophic for the global economy. Much of their debt is owned by foreign governments or international investors.

U.S. lawmakers have also voiced support for the moves. U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd says the government appears to be taking the right steps.




星期五 (07112008)

China Offers Rewards for Olympic Security Tips

Chinese authorities are offering generous rewards to anyone who provides information on security threats during the Olympic Games.

A report today (Friday) by China's state-run Xinhua news agency says individuals could receive as much as 73-thousand dollars for tips over the next several months.

Beijing authorities say rewards would be paid for substantial information on terrorist attacks and groups planning to sabotage the games. Rewards would also be paid for information regarding the deaths of individuals involved in the Olympics and foreigners.

The Chinese government announced this week that it has already broken up five alleged terrorist groups and arrested more than 80 people suspected of plotting to sabotage the Olympics.





World Bank Says China Boosting African Infrastructure

A newly released report by the World Bank says China is financing an increasing number of infrastructure projects in Africa that are helping reduce poverty and boost economies.

The author of the report, Obiageli Katryn Ezekewesili (vice president for the Africa region at the World Bank), says China's growing commitments are helping address a huge infrastructure deficit on the continent.

The report says that between 2004 and 2006, annual investments in Africa from the world's emerging financiers - China, India and the Middle East - grew from one billion to eight billion dollars.

The report says Africa's need for infrastructure is matched by China's need for natural resources and its globally competitive construction industry.

China is frequently criticized for its policies in Africa, which some say turns a blind eye to human rights and other abuses on the continent.






星期四 (07102008)

China Says it has Stopped More Terrorist Groups Targeting Olympics

China says that since the beginning of the year it has stopped five terrorist groups and arrested 82 suspected terrorists plotting to attack the Beijing Olympics. China's official Xinhua news agency said today (Thursday) police broke up the five groups in northwestern Xinjiang.

The region's public security chief (Chen Zhuangwei) was quoted as saying the groups were all plotting to sabotage the Beijing Olympics. He said authorities have also detained 66 other "gang members" allegedly involved in terrorist, separatist or extremist activities, and destroyed 41 training bases for "holy war."

China has repeatedly said that terrorism poses the biggest threat to the Olympics. Chinese authorities say they face threats from groups in Xinjiang that allegedly have links to international terrorist organizations.

Human rights groups say Beijing is using terrorism as an excuse to persecute independence-leaning Muslim minorities.





French President Rejects China's Pressure Over Possible Meeting With Dalai Lama

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has rejected warnings from China against meeting with Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, when he visits France next month.

Speaking to European lawmakers in Strasbourg today (Thursday), Mr. Sarkozy said it is not up to China to set his agenda or his meetings.

Earlier this week, China's ambassador to France (Kong Quan) warned that a possible meeting between the French president and the Dalai Lama could have serious consequences for Sino-French relations.

Mr. Sarkozy also defended his decision to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games as French president and as the rotating head of the European Union. Some European lawmakers criticized Mr. Sarkozy's decision to attend, but he stressed to lawmakers today that he had the approval of all 27 member states.




星期三 (07092008)

Report: Chinese Police Kill Five Suspects in Xinjiang

Chinese state media say police have killed five Muslims who allegedly were seeking to launch a holy war as security in China tightens ahead of the Beijing Olympic Games. The official Xinhua news agency says the five were killed during a police raid on a terrorist hideout in Urumqi, the capital of the mostly-Muslim Xinjiang region. It says 15 suspected terrorists used knives to resist police, stabbing one officer and forcing police to open fire.

The report quotes a police official as saying police found knives and jihadist training material during the Urumqi raid. Human rights groups and Uighur groups in the West say Chinese authorities often use terrorism as a pretext to persecute the country's Muslim minority.



US Condemns Iranian Missile Tests

The United States is condemning Iran's test of nine missiles, some of which Iranian officials say could reach Israel and other U.S. allies in the region. A top Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander (Hossein Salami) said today's (Wednesday's) exercise demonstrated Iran's resolve and strength against its "enemies."

The United States immediately urged Iran to refrain from further missile tests. A White House spokesman (Gordon Johndroe) called Iran's development of ballistic missiles a "violation" of United Nations Security Council resolutions and "inconsistent" with Iran's obligations to the world.



星期二 (07082008)

Sport / Olympic Countdown

The head of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) coordination commission has called on China to honor promises on media freedom and other issues it made seven years ago, when Beijing was awarded the Summer Olympics. Hein Verbruggen spoke Tuesday at the opening ceremony for the Main Press Center, exactly one month before the Beijing Games are set to begin. He said "preparation time is over" and that it is time to deliver on what was pledged.

Correspondents reporting on the Beijing Games are facing restrictions on entering certain areas of the city and censorship on the Internet. But a Chinese spokesman (Sun Weide) insists China has fulfilled all its commitments to the foreign press.

Beijing was shrouded in a gray veil of pollution, limiting visibility to a few hundred meters. Beijing's Environmental Protection Bureau rated the air quality as "fair." In addition to media freedom and pollution, IOC officials are concerned that two subway lines and a rail line are behind schedule and await completion.




China Opens Sparkling New Media Center for Beijing Olympics

China has unveiled its new media centers built for the upcoming Beijing Olympics, while promising to honor pledges to allow unfettered media access during the games. The Main Press Center and International Broadcast Center opened today (Tuesday) in the Chinese capital. Officials with the Beijing Games and International Olympic Committee say the new facility demonstrates China's commitment to serving the 25 thousand foreign reporters expected to cover the event.

Human Rights Watch released a report Monday describing severe difficulties foreign correspondents face in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. The report documents how foreign reporters and their Chinese sources have faced intimidation, or are barred from covering stories that could embarrass authorities. A German broadcaster says security guards stepped in front of its television camera to block a live broadcast from the Great Wall.



星期一 (07072008)

Rights Group Slams China's Handling of the Media Before Olympics

An international human rights group says the Chinese government continues to threaten and block foreign journalists in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. In a new report, Human Rights Watch says correspondents in China face severe difficulties in accessing forbidden areas and covering topics that the Chinese government considers sensitive.

The report cites examples of how journalists were barred from Tibet and other Tibetan areas in the wake of unrest there in March. It also documents how foreign reporters and their sources have faced intimidation or are barred from covering stories that would embarrass authorities, or tell more about incidents of social unrest.

The report's release (Monday) comes a day before China opens its main press center for the August games.




China Issues 10-Yuan Olympic Note

China's Central Bank is issuing a special 10-yuan note to commemorate the Beijing Olympics, swapping the image of communist leader Mao Zedong for a picture of the city's iconic national stadium.

The People's Bank of China says it plans to issue six million of the notes, worth about one dollar and 45 cents each, during the games.

Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium is an interlocking mesh of steel that looks much like a roost for birds. A picture of the stadium will be on one side of the note, along with the dancing man emblem of the 2008 Olympic Games. On the other side will be an image of an ancient Greek statue of a discus thrower.

Both sides of the bill will also feature the Temple of Heaven as a backdrop, one of China's best known landmarks.





星期四 (07032008)

Chinese Prisoners Who Assisted in Quake Efforts Have Sentences Reduced ONE

Chinese state media say hundreds of prisoners who assisted in relief and recovery efforts after a deadly earthquake in May will have their sentences reduced. The official China Daily newspaper says more than 430 prisoners have had their jail terms cut, with eight of them released on probation on Tuesday. One of the prisoners released on probation was a 43-year-old man who was serving a murder sentence. The newspaper says the inmate could have escaped after the earthquake damaged the prison, but stayed behind to help save a physically disabled inmate.

Prison officials across Sichuan province have asked courts to either release such prisoners on probation or shorten their sentences. Provincial officials say they could grant probation to prisoners with a few years left on their sentences, or cut the sentences of those with disabled children or elderly parents.

中国官方媒体报导说,中国5月致命大地震之后协助救灾与重建的数百名囚犯将获得减刑。官方中国日报说,430多名囚犯获得减刑,其中八人星期二获得保释。 其中获得保释的一名囚犯是一位43岁因谋杀罪而服刑的男子。中国日报说,在地震震垮监狱之后,这名男子本来可以逃跑,但是他却留在监狱,帮助救助一名残障囚犯。


China Says Officials Have Met With Dalai Lama's Envoys

China has confirmed that representatives of Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, have met this week with Chinese officials in Beijing. China has given few details of the meetings this week, which began Tuesday, and a report today (Thursday) by China's state-run Xinhua news agency was the first official confirmation that they had taken place.

The report says Du Qingling, head of the Communist Party's top body for ethnic and minority groups, demanded that the Dalai Lama openly show that he does not support Tibetan independence and that he is not trying to sabotage the Beijing Olympic Games. The report says that if the Dalai Lama responds positively, the next round of talks would be held by the end of this year.

The Dalai Lama has repeatedly voiced support for the Beijing Olympics, and says he does not want independence for Tibet - just greater autonomy.




星期三 (07022008)

Parents to Bury Teenage Girl Whose Death Sparked Riots in China

The parents of a Chinese teenage girl whose mysterious death sparked massive riots in southwestern China have agreed to bury her body. China's official Xinhua news agency reports that the parents of Li Shufen say they will bury her body after a third autopsy today (Wednesday) to help determine how she died.

Two previous autopsies by local police concluded that the girl had drowned. Her family and residents of the Guizhou town where she lived (Weng'an) believe a son of a local government official raped and killed Li. Her body was pulled from a local river on June 22. Xinhua says the results of the final autopsy will be released soon. On Tuesday, Chinese authorities agreed to reopen an investigation into Li's death.



UN Chief Urges China To Play Greater Global Role

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged China to take a greater role in dealing with global challenges such as food shortages. Mr. Ban told Chinese President Hu Jintao today (Wednesday) in Beijing that the United Nations needs strong participation, cooperation and partnership with China. Mr. Hu pledged to support Mr. Ban in his campaign to reform the world organization and thanked him for U.N. relief efforts following the deadly earthquake in China Sichuan province.

China is one of five veto-wielding permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and its support is crucial in efforts to reform U.N. institutions. Mr. Ban's arrived to Beijing on Tuesday from Japan where he discussed North Korea's recent declaration of its nuclear programs.



星期二 (07012008)

China Blocks US Lawmakers, Human Rights Lawyers Meeting

Two U.S. lawmakers say authorities in China have prevented them from meeting with human rights lawyers during a visit to Beijing. Congressman Chris Smith, the ranking (Republican) member of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China says he and (fellow Republican) Congressman Frank Wolf were scheduled to have dinner with three human rights lawyers on Sunday night. But, he says, those lawyers were threatened and taken away or placed under house arrest.

The lawmakers also say they presented a list of 734 Chinese political prisoner cases to Li Zhaoxing, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of China's legislature. China's foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao says he was unaware of the list, but adds that if it was submitted that was inconsistent with the official purpose of the lawmakers' visit.



Thousands March in Hong Kong's Pro-democracy Rally

Thousands of people have marched through central Hong Kong in an annual rally for greater democracy as the city marks the 11th anniversary of return to Chinese rule. Organizers say more than 40-thousand people participated in peaceful protests today (Tuesday), while police estimates put the total at about 13-thousand.

Hong Kong's most senior Catholic and a leading pro-democracy campaigner, Cardinal Joseph Zen, led prayers in the city's Victoria Park before the start of march. Protesters carried banners pressing for universal suffrage and urging the authorities to deal with problems of poverty and rising prices. China has said it would allow Hong Kong residents to directly elect the city's leaders by 2017 and to hold direct elections for the city's Legislative Council by 2020.



星期一 (06302008)

China Thanks US for Earthquake Help

China's top leaders have thanked the United States for helping with recovery efforts following last month's devastating earthquake in Sichuan province. Chinese President Hu Jintao expressed his thanks today (Monday) during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Mr. Hu also said he was grateful that President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush had signed a book of condolences for quake victims at the Chinese embassy in Washington.

Rice is in China for a two-day stop to promote relations between the two countries. Earlier today she met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. 

On Sunday, Secretary Rice visited the quake zone in Sichuan where officials say nearly 70-thousand people died. While there, she said she was tremendously impressed with the resiliency and spirit of the Chinese people.





Tibetan Government-in-Exile Confirms New Talks With China

Tibet's government-in-exile says talks with China will resume this week. The officials said today (Monday) envoys for the Dalai Lama will meet with Chinese officials in Beijing for two days of talks, starting Tuesday. The envoys (Lodi Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen) last met with Chinese officials in May. Talks set for June were postponed because of the massive May 12th earthquake in China's Sichuan province.

Chinese state-run media announced Sunday that the talks would resume shortly. Chinese authorities have cracked down in Tibet, following rare, violent protests earlier this year. The Dalai Lama has said he is seeking meaningful autonomy for the Tibet region. China accuses him of secretly promoting independence for his homeland.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed concern over the situation in Tibet during a joint news conference (Sunday) with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.


