Word & Quote of the Day (Feb 18, 2008)
文章来源: YuGong2008-01-06 06:34:45

***** Feb 20, 2008 *****

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A person given to clowning and joking.
Synonyms:merry andrew, clown, goof, goofball
Usage:At a country fair there was a buffoon who made all the people laugh by imitating the cries of various animals.

Quote of the Day
Vices are sometimes only virtues carried to excess!
Charles Dickens

***** Feb 18, 2008 *****

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A woman hired to do cleaning or similar work, usually in a large building.
Synonyms:cleaning lady
Usage:The charwoman cleaned every bathroom in the office building after the executives left for the evening.

Quote of the Day
The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.
Charles Dickens

***** Feb 16, 2008 *****

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette.
Usage:She had all the delicate grace of that Tanagra figurine that you have in your studio, Basil.

Word of the Day provided by The Free Dictionary

Quote of the Day

I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.
Jonathan Swift


Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A cabinet containing an automatic record player; records are played by inserting a coin.
Usage:When they arrived at the dance hall, the professional musicians were dismayed by the presence of the popular nickelodeon.

Quote of the Day
To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.
Virginia Woolf

Quote of the Day provided by The Free Dictionary


Definition:(noun) A narrow high chest of drawers or bureau, often with a mirror attached.
Usage:Against the wall stood an exquisite chiffonier, on which were resting some cut-glass decanters and goblets.



  It is in justice that the ordering of society is centered.

  Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)


Definition:(adjective) Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude.
Synonyms:patronizing, arch
Usage:Sir William, no doubt, meant to be kind, but he was cold and condescending, and not a little pompous and conceited.

Quote of the Day
Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.
(496 BC-406 BC)