文章来源: 飘侠2008-02-20 00:32:58
2007年12月19日出版的国际权威物理学最权威的期刊《 Physical Review

November 2007, to be published in Physical Review Letters
Demonstration of a compiled version of Shor's quantum factoring
algorithm using photonic qubits
  Chao-Yang Lu, Daniel E. Browne, Tao Yang, and Jian-Wei Pan
We report an experimental demonstration of a complied version ofShor's
algorithm using four photonic qubits. We choose the simplestinstance of
this algorithm, that is, factorization of $N=15$ in thecase that the period
$r=2$ and exploit a simplified linear opticalnetwork to coherently
implement the quantum circuits of the modularexponential execution
and semi-classical quantum Fourier transformation. During this
computation, genuine multiparticleentanglement is observed which well
supports its quantum nature. Thisexperiment represents an essential step
toward full realization of Shor's algorithm and scalable linear optics
quantum computation.
2007 The American Physical Society.
中国科技大学的这篇prl 似乎很有分量。两个月前,这篇论文还仅仅是
预印本的时候,《新科学家》 (new scientist) 就报道了
Quantum threat to our secret data
  * 13 September 2007
  * Saswato Das
  * Magazine issue 2621
IT MIGHT seem like an esoteric achievement of interest to only ahandful
of computer scientists, but the advent of quantum computersthat can run
a routine called Shor's algorithm could have profound consequences.
It means the most dangerous threat posed by quantumcomputing - the ability
to break the codes that protect our banking,business and e-commerce data -
is now a step nearer reality.
Adding to the worry is the fact that this feat has been performed bynot one
but two research groups, independently of each other. One teamis led by
Andrew White at the University of Queensland in Brisbane,Australia, and
the other by Chao-Yang Lu (USTC的,第一作者;潘建伟是通信作者)
of theUniversity of Science and Technology of China, in Hefei. Both
groupshave built rudimentary laser-based quantum computers that can
implement Shor's algorithm - a mathematical routine capable
of defeating today's most common encryption ...

Both groups have built rudimentary laser-based quantum
computers that can implement Shor's algorithm - a mathematical
routine capable of defeating today's most common encryption .