浮生偷得一日闲3: laid me off
文章来源: hhbook2007-08-17 14:04:21


"lay off" (解雇,炒鱿鱼)也是人生不可以错过的一道风景线,以前我就央求过前老板炒我,没有得逞,所以每次都是自己递交辞呈,宾主虽相宜但到底没有“享受”过领失业金的特等“优惠”,白交纳了那么多税银,有点悻悻然。总听说裁员的故事,好象在美国,尤其在前几年的经济泡沫时期,被炒过鱿鱼的人,真是多如过江之鲫呢。现在经济大好,倒轮到我自己了,声声唉叹,倒也暗暗开心。

塞翁失马,安知非福呢? 变化产生新生活。以前只是朝9晚5,工作--小家两点一线的生活,活得很机械无奈,可又舍不得手中的鸡肋,一天一天,一年一年,全职工作后再回小家忙忙早晚两餐,洗洗涮涮。。。人在麻木中,日子就如小溪流水一般潺潺而去。。。




30小时吧,一年工作9个月,55岁退休, 就设立这个目标去发现新生活吧! 事在人为,也好好祷告。

2007年我马上就快完成工作9个月的目标了,所以今年不用找工作了,休闲3个月。脑筋转转:是不是应该改行去当教师呢? 因为美国的教师都是工作9个月的! 好好想想。。。


August 15, 2007




Dear ……:

Due to a change in business strategy and restructuring of the business, #$%$% ( the “Company”) has determined that it is necessary to eliminate several positions in the company, including yours. Consequently, we regret that your employment will be terminated effective September 30, 2007.

Your final paycheck will include all wages earned through your final day of work and any unused vacation, which you have accrued. Your coverage under the Company’s standard employee medical benefits will end on September 30, 2007. However, you will be able to elect continued insurance coverage (COBRA) in accordance with federal law. Information regarding COBRA coverage will be provided be you separately.

The Company will provide you with certain separation benefits as set forth in the attached Separation Agreement and General Release of Claims. In the event that you elect to sign the Release of Claims, you will receive the separation benefits as described in that document.

Unfortunately, as a result of these business changes, this workforce reduction is made without any right of recall. Employees affected by this reduction in force are entitled to no benefit other than those expressly described in this letter. The Company very much regrets that its relationship with you must come to an end; however, we want to thank you very much for all your dedication. We are confident that you will attain success, and we wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.


