文章来源: 宋德利利2008-08-23 20:38:51





20·1 尧曰(1):“咨(2)!尔舜!天之历数在尔躬,允(3)执其中。四海困穷,天禄永终。”舜亦以命禹。曰:“予小子履(4),敢用玄牡(5),敢昭告于皇皇后帝:有罪不敢赦。帝臣不蔽,简(6)在帝心。朕(7)躬有罪,无以万方;万方有罪,罪在朕躬。”周有大赉(8),善人是富。“虽有周亲(9),不如仁人。百姓有过,在予一人。”谨权量(10),审法度(11),修废官,四方之政行焉。兴灭国,继绝世,举逸民,天下之民归心焉。所重:民、食、丧、祭。宽则得众,信则民任焉。敏则有功,公则说。






(4)履:这是商汤的名字。 商汤,又称成汤,原为商部落首领,居商。夏朝时,商是夏统治下的小国。商汤处处对人民施仁政,很快有40多个小国归顺于他。而夏桀只顾奢侈荒淫,致使众叛亲离。后商汤经过十一次出征,在公元前十六世纪,致使众叛亲离。后商汤经过十一次出征,在公元前十六世纪,伐桀灭夏。夏朝灭亡后,商汤在亳(今商丘)建立商朝。 













Yao said: “Good! You Shun. Heaven has already issued an order to let you succeed to the throne. If people are poor, your ruling position as a sovereign will be ended for ever.” Shun also exhorted Yu this way. Shang Tang said: “My supreme Heaven, I - your sun on earth – would like to present you a black calf as a piece of sacrificial offerings. I pray for myself: I absolutely do not dare to pardon any guilty persons. I dare to conceal neither good nor evil. You’re omniscient so you naturally know how things stand. If I’m guilty, please don’t drag the broad masses in; if the masses are guilty, to lay all the blame on me.”  Zhou Dynasty granted favors to the masses and let good people become rich. The lord Wu said: “I have nearest relatives but it’s not so good as to have people of humanity. If the broad masses commit errors, all blame should be put on me only.” Confucius said: “Cautiously examine measurement, carefully lay down laws, establish just personnel system; let government ordinances carried out smoothly; revive perished countries; succeed to severed clans; promote stifled real talents. If  all these are well done, the broad masses will come over  and give all allegiance to you wholeheartedly. Governors should pay attention to people, grains, funeral affairs and sacrificial rites. Tolerance wins support; credit gets confidence from others; diligence wins success; justice makes people happy.”



20·2 子张问孔子曰:“何如斯可以从政矣?”子曰:“尊五美,屏四恶,斯可以从政矣。”子张曰:“何谓五美?”子曰:“君子惠而不费,劳而不怨,欲而不贪,泰而不骄,威而不猛。”子张曰:“何谓惠而不费?”子曰:“因民之所利而利之,斯不亦惠而不费乎?择可劳而劳之,又谁怨?欲仁而得仁,又焉贪?君子无众寡,无大小,无敢慢,斯不亦泰而不骄乎?君子正其衣冠,尊其瞻视,俨然人望而畏之,斯不亦威而不猛乎?”子张曰:“何谓四恶?”子曰:“不教而杀谓之虐;不戒视成谓之暴;慢令致期谓之贼;犹之与人也,出纳之吝谓之有司。”






Zue Zhang asked Confucius: “How to deal with politics?” Confucius said: “Observe five fine characters and eliminate four bad habits. By doing so, you can deal with politics.” Zue Zhang said: “What are those five good characters?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen can grant favors to others without wasting anything and make people bear responsibilities without grudge. They consider others’ richness without seeking personal interests. They are easy to approach without arrogance and look serious but show no violence.” Zue Zhang said: “How to grant favors to others without wasting anything?” Confucius said: “Do anything beneficial to people according to their need. Isn’t it ‘granting favors to others without wasting anything’? If you can make people do whatever they can, they will have nothing to complain about. If you want to carry out policies of benevolence and you can obtain what you wish, then you will have no reasons to seek personal interests. Gentlemen respect all people without considering their population’s number and age. Surely it could be said that you are easy to approach without arrogance. Always well dressed, gentlemen pay much attention to their appearance. They look solemn and dignified so that others stand in awe of them. Surely it could be considered that you look serious but show no violence.” Zue Zhang said: “What are those four bad habits?” Confucius said: “Paying no attention to education but putting stress on killing is called ill treatment; paying no attention to instruction but only considering about success or failure is called savage; being tardy in issuing orders but impatient for success is called doing harm to people; wanting to award people but giving little is called stinginess.”



20·3 孔子曰:“不知命,无以为君子也;不知礼,无以立也;不知信,无以知人也。”






Confucius said: “If you don’t understand objective laws, you cannot be a gentleman; if you don’t understand moral norms, you cannot conduct yourself well in society; if you don’t understand how to distinguish between truth and falsehood, you cannot know people well.”




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