文章来源: 宋德利利2007-12-15 06:13:06


金大用,中州*旧家子也。聘尤太守*女,字庚娘,丽而贤,逑好甚敦*。以流寇之乱*,家人离逖*,金携家南窜。途遇少年,亦偕妻以逃者,自言广陵*王十八,愿为前驱。金喜,行止与俱。至河上,女隐告金曰:“勿与少年同舟,彼屡顾我,目动而色变,中叵测也。”金诺之。王殷勤觅巨舟,代金运装,劬劳臻至*,金不忍却。又念其携有少妇,应亦无他。妇与庚娘同居,意度亦颇温婉。王坐舡*头上与橹人倾语,似甚熟识戚好。未几日落,水程迢递,漫漫不辨南北。金四顾幽险,颇涉疑怪。顷之,皎月初升,见弥望皆芦苇。既泊,王邀金父子出户一豁*,乃乘间挤金入水;金有老父,见之欲号,舟人以篙筑*之,亦溺;生母闻声出窥,又筑溺之。王始喊救。母出时,庚娘在后,已微窥之。既闻一家尽溺,即亦不惊,但哭曰:“翁姑俱没,我安适*归!”王入劝:“娘子勿忧,请从我至金陵*,家中田庐颇足赡给,保无虞也。”女收涕曰:“得如此,愿亦足矣。”王大悦,给奉良殷。既暮,曳女求欢,女托体姅*,王乃就妇宿。 初更既尽,夫妇喧竞,不知何由。但闻妇曰:“若所为,雷霆恐碎汝颅矣!”王乃挝妇。妇呼云:“便死休!诚不愿为杀人贼妇!”王吼怒,捽妇出。便闻骨董一声,遂哗言妇溺矣。




金大用,中州名门之后,娶了尤太守的女儿为妻,字庚娘,美丽而贤惠,夫妻感情深厚。因为流寇作乱,全家人逃离故乡,金大用携家带口往南逃。途中遇到一位年轻人,也和妻一起逃亡,自称是广陵的王十八,愿意为他们在前边带路。金大用非常高兴,二人行走止步都在一起。到了一条河上,庚娘悄悄地告诉金大用:“别和那个年轻人乘同一条船,他总看我,两眼滴溜溜转,脸色都变了,一定没安好心。”金大用答应了。王十八献殷勤寻找大船,替金搬运行李,操劳周到,金不忍推辞。又觉得他还携带年轻的妻子,应该不会有别的想法。王的媳妇和庚娘在一起住,脾气秉性也很温柔。王十八坐在船头上与掌橹的人谈得很热火,好像很熟悉,关系也不错。没过多久太阳落山了,水路遥远,茫茫一片,分不出东南西北。金大用环视四周,僻静隐蔽,开始产生怀疑。片刻之后,明月东升,放眼望去,都是芦苇。船停下来之后,王十八邀请金大用父子出来远望散心,于是乘机把金大用挤到水里;金大用有老父在身边,看到之后就想喊,船夫就用篙一捅,他也落水了;金大用母亲听到动静出来偷偷地看望,船夫也把她捅到水里淹死了。这个时候王十八才假惺惺地喊救人。母亲出来时,庚娘在后面,已经略微看到些情况。等到听说一家人都淹死了,她也不惊慌,只是哭着说:“公公婆婆都死了,我可往那里去呀!”王十八近来劝道:“娘子别发愁,请跟我一起到金陵,家里要房有房,要地有地,足能养活你,保你无忧无虑。”庚娘不再哭泣,说:“如果真是这样,我也就满足了。”王十八非常高兴,伺候得格外殷勤。天一黑,他就拉扯庚娘求欢,庚娘推托说整赶上来月经,王十八才到妻子那里去睡觉。 一更天刚过,夫妇俩大吵大闹喧竞,不知什么原因。只听媳妇说:“你这样做,脑袋要遭雷劈的!”王十八就打媳妇。媳妇大声说:“死了倒干净!真不愿意给杀人贼做媳妇!”王十八一边怒吼,一边揪着媳往外走。只听咕咚一声,接着就听人们大声说媳妇淹死了。


Jin Dayong was a scholar in Zhongzhou County, Henan Province. He married a beautiful and virtuous wife, Geng Niang.
Shortly after their marriage, a war broke out. Jin and his family fled from his native place. On the way, he met a young man, Wang, who was also a refugee from Guangling (now Yangzhou) running away from home together with his wife. Wang said he was willing to be forerunner. Jin was very happy. From then on, they were always in company with each other, inseparable as body and shadow.
Later on, they were on a river. Geng Niang secretly said to Jin, “Don’t take a same boat with Wang. He often cast furtive glances at me. I’m afraid he harbors evil intentions.”
Jin agreed with his wife. But Wang found a large boat and cordially helped Jin carry luggage. In a word, he spared no efforts to do everything to please Jin. Softhearted by nature, Jin had no heart to decline his kindness. Moreover, Wang had a young wife with him. There should be nothing unexpected.
Wang’s wife stayed together with Geng Niang. The young lady was rather refined in manner. And Wang was concentrated in talking with the boatman on the bow, as if they were on familiar terms with each other.
The sun set before long. On a vast expanse of water, Jin had already lost his bearings. Looking around, he found the circumstances very out-of-way. Filled with suspicion, he realized that his family had fell in a perilous position.
The moon rose up very soon. Boundless reeds greeted his eyes. Having the boat docked, Wang asked Jin and his father to come out of the cabin for relaxation. Taking advantage of Jin’s being lack of vigilance, Wang pushed Jin into the water. Seeing this, Jin’s father wanted to cry. But the boatman struck him into the water with a barge-pole. The poor old man was drowned. Hearing the strange noise, Jin’s mother came out to have a look but was also struck into the river by Wang’s barge-pole. The old lady was drowned, too.
Only at the moment everything finished, did Wang begin to cry for help. He was certainly putting on an act. But the actual state of affairs was unable to escape from Geng Niang’s eyes. The reason was that when Jin’s mother walked out, Geng Niang stealthily stood at the door and therefore indistinctly saw what Wang did, just in time.
Learning other people of the family were all drowned, Geng Niang was very calm. She didn’t show up any sign of astonishment.
She only cried, “My parents-in-law are drowned. Where can I go?”
Wang entered the cabin immediately and comforted her.
“Don’t worry.” Wang said. “You can live with me. I’m a rich man. I have more than enough houses and lands at home. You can rely on me. No problem.”
Geng Niang stopped crying and said, “If so, I’ll be fully satisfied.”
Wild with joy, Wang served her much more cordially. In the evening, he held her and wanted to have something sexual with her. She refused him on a pretext of her being in menstrual period. Wang could do nothing but sleep with his wife.
Shortly after the first watch of the night, Geng Niang heard the couple quarreling fiercely without knowing why.
“It’s wicked of you!” accursed Wang’s wife. “You should be struck by thunderbolt!”
Wang slapped his wife in the face.
“That’s enough! Let me die!” Wang’s wife cried. “I really don’t want to be the wife of a murderer!”
Beside himself with rage, Wang roared and dragged his wife out. Following a splash, his wife drowned herself in the river.








Shortly after the war was over, together with Geng Niang, Wang came back to his native place. Geng Niang was guided into his home to see his parents. Seeing this woman wasn’t her daughter-in-law, Wang’s mother felt quite surprised.
“My wife fell into a river and was drowned.” Wang told his mother. “So I married this new wife.”
Back into his own room, Wang wanted to harass Geng Niang again.
Geng Niang smilingly said, “You have the effrontery to say it! As a man over twenty years old, don’t you know anything about sexual activities? Even the most humble men know they must have themselves half-drunk before doing this sort of things. Now that you’re a rich man, I don’t think it’s difficult for you to drink some wine first. Do this sort of things with a clear head! It’s too disgraceful.”
Wang was very happy to drink with Geng Niang. Yet, with a wine bottle in hand, Geng Niang only urged Wang to drink. Gradually, Wang became drunk and refused to drink anymore. Holding a large bowl, Geng Niang still tried to look cheerful and urged him to drink. Having no heart to refuse her, Wang had to drink continuously. He was finally as drunk as a sow. Taking off clothes, he urged Geng Niang to sleep.
Taking wine and candle away, Geng Niang walked out on the pretext of going to pass urine. A moment later, she came back with a knife in hand. She groped for his head in the dark. Grasping her arm, Wang still muttered in great intimacy.
Exerting her strength, Geng Niang valiantly stabbed Wang, but he was still alive. He cried out and got up. She stabbed him time and again. He died at last. Hearing something unusual, his mother came and wanted to ask. But before opening her mouth, the old lady was already killed by Geng Niang. And meanwhile, Wang’s brother also realized something wrong.
Knowing she could find no hiding-place, Geng Niang immediately committed suicide by cutting her throat. But she failed because the knife was too dull. She could do nothing but push the window open and jump out and run as fast as possible. Wang’s brother ran after her. Geng Niang already jumped into a pond before Wang’s brother could catch up with her.
On hearing the news, many villagers ran over and tried every means to save her without any delay. But Geng Niang already died. Her appearance was extremely beautiful as if she was still alive.
After a postmortem examination for Wang, people found a letter on the window. On reading this letter, they learnt all about her misfortune Geng Niang stated in every detail.
Treating Geng Niang as a heroine, the villagers were busy with raising money for her funeral. After day break, thousands of people gathered here paying their respects to her remains. A large amount of fund was quickly collected. Some kind people also prepared gorgeous grave-clothes and expensive funerary objects for Geng Niang. Geng Niang was buried in the south suburb.








After falling into the river, Jin grasped a wooden plank. Only because of this, did he have a narrow escape from death. Nearly at day break, he was saved by a little boat which was probably a life-boat belonging to a local rich old man named Yin.
Waking up, Jin paid a visit to the old man extending his hearty thanks. Cordially entertaining him, the old man asked Jin to stay with him as a tutor for his son.
Without knowing anything about his family, Joe was going to look for them, so he couldn’t make his mind whether or not he should accept this kind offer.
Shortly, someone said, “A dead old couple was dredged out of the river.”
Jin suspected they were his parents. He went to have a look and found they really were her parents. The old rich man prepared two coffins for the dead immediately.
Jin’s sorrow had just begun, others said, “A drowned woman was saved. She said her husband was Jin.”
Tears in eyes, Jin hurriedly rushed out. And the woman had already arrived. But she wasn’t his wife Geng Niang. She was just a young lady of eighteen years old. The stranger cried and asked Jin not to abandon her.
“I’m troubled in my heart.” Jin said. “ How can I help others?”
On hearing this, the young lady became more sorrowful than before.
Stealthily pondering over this matter, the old man thought this might be the will of Heaven. Taking this matter as a happy event, he urged Jin to take her.
On the pretext of being in funeral period, Jin declined.
“Besides, I’m going to take revenge.” Jin said. “I’m afraid I’ll be encumbered with a family, if I have one.”
“If Geng Niang is still alive, don’t you have the heart to abandon her on the pretext of taking revenge and being in funeral period?”
Thinking her words quite reasonable, the old man persuaded Jin into accepting the lady for the time being. Only at this moment, did Jin agree to take her.
During the funeral, the young lady cried sorrowfully as if she was the daughter-in-law of Jin’s parents.
After burying his parents, Jin was going to take revenge. But the young lady dissuaded him from doing so.
“I’m Wang’s fellow villager.” She said. “I know his diehard followers are all over the area of rivers and lakes. You can’t avenge yourself. And worse of all, you’ll be involved in disaster.”
While Jin didn’t know what to do next, the rumor was widespread that a woman bravely killed her enemy. Even her name was perfectly clear.
On learning this, Jin was delighted but simultaneously very sorrowful. He came to the young lady to express his refusal again.
“It’s so lucky our family hasn’t been soiled.” He said. “Now that I have this sort of heroine, how can I have the heart to betray her by my re-marriage?”
Taking on the pretext that he already agreed to accept her, the young lady refused to leave. She was even willing to be his concubine.


会*有副将军袁公,与尹有旧*,适将西发,过尹,见生,大相知爱,请为记室*。无何,流寇犯顺*,袁有大勋,金以参机务*,叙劳*,授游击*以归。夫妇始成合卺之礼。 居数日,携妇诣金陵,将以展*庚娘之墓。暂过镇江,欲登金山。漾舟中流,欻一艇过,中有一妪及少妇,怪少妇颇类庚娘。舟疾过,妇自窗中窥金,神情益肖。惊疑不敢追问,急呼曰:“看群鸭儿飞上天耶!”少妇闻之。亦呼云:“馋猧儿欲吃猫子腥耶!*”盖当年闺中之隐谑*也。金大惊,反棹近之,真庚娘。青衣*扶过舟,相抱哀哭,伤感行旅。唐氏以嫡礼*见庚娘。庚娘惊问,金始备述其由。庚娘执手曰:“同舟一话,心常不忘,不图吴越一家*矣。蒙代葬翁姑,所当首谢,何以此礼相向?”乃以齿序*,唐少庚娘一岁,妹之。




当时正好有一位姓袁的副将军,和尹老翁有旧交情,正好要向西部发兵,路过尹家,见到了金生,非常喜欢他,就请他当了军中记室。没过多久,流寇叛乱,袁副将军立下大功,金生也因为参与军机而立功,被授予游击之官归乡探亲。夫妇这才正式举行成婚大礼。 过了几天,携带媳妇前往南京,去给庚娘扫墓。过了镇江,想登金山。乘船过江的时候,突然从身边划过一条船,船里有一位老太太和一位少妇,他觉得很奇怪,少妇非常像庚娘。船很快地划过去了,少妇从窗中窥视金生,神情也很像是庚娘。金生又吃惊又怀疑,也不敢追问,就急忙大声喊道:“看群鸭儿飞上天啦!”少妇听到后,也大声喊道:“馋狗想吃猫剩下的荤腥啦!”这都是当年闺中开玩笑的隐语。金生大吃一惊,叫船往回划近那条船,果真是庚娘。庚娘被侍女搀扶到金生的船上,两人相抱痛哭,令过往行人也非常悲伤。唐氏就以正妻拜见庚娘。庚娘吃惊地问是怎么回事,金生才把来龙去脉细说一遍。庚娘拉着唐氏的手说:“同在一条船上这么一说,这件事真是永远记在心上难以忘怀了,真没想到原来的仇敌现在居然成了一家。承蒙你代我埋葬了公婆,我应该首先感谢你,你怎么能以这种礼节对待我?”于是按照年龄大小,唐氏比庚娘小一岁,以妹妹相称。


The rich old man Yin had a good friend who was a general. One day, the general went west on duty and took the opportunity to pay a visit to Yin. Thinking highly of Jin, the general engaged him as his adjutant. Constantly rendering outstanding services, Jin had become a high-ranking commander before long. Taking a home leave as a good opportunity, he married the young lady.
A few days later, the couple took a boat going south to visit Geng Niang’s grave and offered sacrifices to her. They suddenly found a boat in which there were two women, one old, one young. Of the two, the latter seemed to be Geng Niang. When looking at Jin, her manner was nearly the same as that of Geng Niang. But Jin didn’t dare to follow and the boat passed by quickly.
Having a brain wave, Jin said aloud, “The duck is flying to the sky!”
On hearing this, the young lady replied, “The cat is eating fish!”
These two sentences were the joking words Jin and Geng Niang used to say whenever they were happy. Much astonished, Jin turned round and caught up with her. Truly, she was Geng Niang!
Supported by a maid, Geng Niang stepped over into Jin’s boat. Hugging tightly, they were chocked with tears.
Treating Geng Niang as Jin’s formal wife, Tang made a formal call to her.Greatly surprised, Geng Niang asked what had had happened. Only by then did Jin detail the whole story. Taking Tang’s hands, Geng Niang said, “ We say something like this in a same boat and this makes us never forget this matter. I’ve never expected the original enemies should become members in a same family. I am very grateful to you because you buried my father-in-law and mother-in-law for me. I should thank you first. How can you treak me according to these proprieties?” Since Tang was a year younger than Geng Niang, she treated Geng Niang as her elder sister in age order.








After being buried underground, Geng Niang didn’t know how many years had passed over. A man suddenly called her, “Geng Niang, your husband didn’t die. You should reunite.”
Hearing this, she felt dazed as if just waking up from a dream. Feeling with hands, there were walls all round. Only at this moment, did she realize she already died and was buried deep under the ground. She only felt stuffy but not painful.
It turned out to be an accidental occurrence.
There were several loafers in this area. One day, it suddenly occurred to them that they could get something valuable by robbing a grave. They still remembered there were many expensive funerary objects in Geng Niang’s coffin.
After opening the coffin, they found Geng Niang was still alive. Both the grave robbers and Geng Niang were scared to death. Geng Niang was afraid the evil doers would hurt her.
“As luck would have it, you happen to come here when I need help,” said Geng Niang. “Otherwise, I would never be able to see the daylight again.” She implored them to take pity on her. “There’re some expensive jewelries in my hair. Don’t hesitate to take them all. Even if selling me out as a nun, maybe you can get some money. Whatever you do, I’ll keep secret.”
The head of the grave robbers hurriedly kowtowed to her, saying, “You’re really a virtuous heroine. Both the gods and human beings highly admire and respect you.” He said continuously. “We do this sort of evil things only because of poverty. If you can keep secret for us, we already feel satisfied. How can we get the guts to sell you as a nun?”
“I’m all willingness to let you do,” said Geng Niang.
“The widow Mrs. Gen has no son and daughter,” another grave robber said. “If she sees you, she is certainly delighted.”
Geng Niang thanked them and took off the jewelries from her hair and gave them to the grave robbers. They didn’t dare to accept them. But she persisted in giving them the jewelries. At last, they took them very politely.
They settled Geng Niang into a boat and sent her to Mrs. Gen. The old lady was indeed very delighted and took her as her own daughter. And today, they were just on their way home after a journey and met Jin by chance.
Learning the whole story, Jin was deeply moved and turned round to her new mother a kowtow. And the old lady treated Jin as her own son-in-law.
Cordially invited by Mrs. Gen, Jin and his new wife visited Geng Niang’s new home and stayed there for several days. From then on, the two families had been keeping a very close relationship.








Author’s Commentary:
With an emergency before us, whoever loose survive, whoever pure and chaste die. The survivors cause our wrath, while the dead make us lament with tears. As for Geng Niang and her like who can kill their enemies without turning a hair and just talking cheerfully and humorously, through the ages, only a few men with fiery temper can compare favorably with them. Who says women cannot run neck and neck with brave men?