文章来源: 宋德利利2007-12-13 09:26:12

Man freed after 100 hours trapped in a lavatory

Reporting by Luke Baker


鲁克-贝克 文 宋德利 译

LONDON (Reuters) - A retired Scottish school teacher was recovering on Monday after spending nearly four days trapped inside a men's toilet with no food or mobile phone.

伦敦(路透社) - 一位退休苏格兰的中学教师,在一无食物二无移动电话的情况下被困男厕近4天之后才于周一被发现。

David Leggat was locked inside the bathroom at a lawn bowling club near the Scottish city of Aberdeen after the door jammed and the handle on the outside fell off.

大卫-莱格特被反锁在苏格兰城市阿伯丁一家草地保龄球俱乐部的洗手间里, 原因是门被卡住,而且外面的把手也已脱落。

The 55-year-old kept warm by dipping his feet in hot water but only managed to get about three hours' sleep a night in the freezing temperatures, the local Evening Express newspaper reported.


He was rescued when the cleaner at the club, which is little used in winter, turned up to collect her cleaning equipment.


Leggat said a survival course he had once done had helped him endure his captivity. The cleaning lady said he looked shaken and grey when he emerged.


"At least there was a toilet to use," he said. "The only thing I regret is not getting trapped behind the bar."

“起码还有一个厕所能用,”他说。 “我唯一的遗憾就是没能困在监狱中。”

注释:behind the bar,在铁棍后面,即坐牢。因牢房都有铁栏杆,犯人当然是处在栏杆后面。也作behind the bars、 behind the bolt and bar 。

