文章来源: 比花花还花2009-01-07 20:42:27
估计(道听途说)2009大部分日子股市房市都不会太好。 所以2009年的计划:

1. 股市401k采用some technical analysis. If Moving average 不好的话,只购买government bonds , and money market. 10% 买natural resources。buy and hold, 应该是Greedy 花姐 骗大家的吧。以前的457, 403 的考虑看来都是错误的。 现在完全停止投入。考虑别的business. In stock market, diversification 证明不是完全正确的. 今年是-40%。前两年的return 全回去了。

hope that return for 2009 can be around 5 - 10%.

2. 工作搞好,有机会就更上一步,没机会就等待,不能太急躁。 继续好好经营 rental business. 保证even or positive cash flow. rent may come down due to bad economy.

hope to continue to build up wealth over real estate.

3. Cut expense: save more and do not buy unnecessary stuff. If possible, might refinance to reduce payments.

hope to save a couple of hundreds per month.

4. enjoy life: 人生在世, 不如意的事情十有八九,所以再如何也要有良好的心态。 我没有“先天下之忧而忧”的精神, 至少自己可以照顾好自己。

hope to live healthy and feel successful in 2009

年底再看, wish you all the best.