与航空表演无关,跟Canon, Nikon有关!
文章来源: chicago802009-08-17 15:22:35
(摄与 the 50th Chicago Air Water Show, 08/2009)

1. Canon 炮阵,Mark最牛,就拿一小DC!

2. Nikon 炮阵 (很英俊的“三剑客”)

3. Greg: “Canon sucks!” ( with his 1D Mark3 and 300mm f/2.8 +1.4X )

4. Frank: "300mm is heavy, Nikon sucks too…"

5. Andrew: "I know what you are looking at…"

6. "Am I right? Let me see it, please~"

7. Nikon 300mm f/2.8, a new city landmark?

8. 用Canon的 “Chicago Tribune” 记者

9. 以为自己要上头版头条了,看了两天的报纸都没有! 看来不能相信用Canon的~

10. 不知道这Canon拍Nikon干啥?

11. 好位置总是被Canon抢了,Nikon老是被挤到边上~

12. 庞大的 Canon 炮阵

13. 能看清楚有多少 Canon 吗?

就带了Nikon 70-200mm的头,被Canon大师们“嘲笑”了半天,但还是坚持拍完了 Air Show。下面就是我在忍辱负重的情况下拍的“作品”~

14. Nikon 有抗“干扰”的能力~

15. Nikon 有“雄起”的精神~

16. 镜头短也好,能把鸟也拍进去~

17. 镜头轻也好,拍完“反面”,马上能跑到湖对面(老六和车头的地方)再拍一张“正面”~

18. “正面” (虚了! 飞机太近太快,我快门速度设太低,1/500)

19. 冒充“记者”,跟着电台一块去“忽悠”美女摔锅~

20. 拍得不好,也不能全怪Canon的大师们,这样的“邻居”也有责任~

21. 本人没门派之见,纯属周一YY,Nikon 和 Canon 是很“友好”滴!

- From simple beginnings as part of a "Family Day Celebration" in 1959, the show has grown to the oldest and largest free admission air and water exhibition in the United States. With audience numbers reaching an average of 2.2 million annually, it is one of the largest spectator events in the world.

City of Chicago Official Tourism Site