文章来源: womaninhome2016-04-25 22:54:23





:As for mom, I'm glad that she can speak Cantonese, in which I'll use the next time I talk to her, probably next week. Good that the care taker works out well.

One thing I want to say is that you and my brother have done a fantastic job in taking care of mom. She couldn't have done better with anyone else! I'm sure mom realizes now how wonderful you are as her daughter-in-law. My apology for my sisters for their nastiness and unjustifiable mistreatment. Aging has made me see things quite clearly over the years....

You're very good-natured, I wish there would be more people like you two! I'm positive that my two sisters are trying to atone their errors in the past in their own ways for the last few years. To me, you're a full-fledged family member. As an old saying goes, "a better person cannot be harmed by a lesser person". In the long run, it's the lesser person that faces internal conflicts and public justice.

Big hugs,


她说的就是在十多年前,老三被医院诊断出有自闭症之后,婆婆和先生的姐姐们觉得自闭症与我有关,我听先生说,因为我生了一个自闭症的儿子,她们开了一个家庭斗争大会,她们(婆婆,一个日本姐姐,两个美国姐姐)说一切都怪我,说我不好才生了一个自闭的孩子。先生和她们大吵一番,婆婆说不要认我这个媳妇了,以后对我只是客客气气的,不会再把我当儿媳看待,先生告诉我这些话以后,我受到很大的伤害,哭了很久,每当一想这些事情就生气,生孩子不是我一个人的事情,为什么偏偏要责怪我呢? 每每想想都心寒。




Let bygone be bygone, dont worry about anything in the past. I dont hold any grudge. I dont even remember any of them.