私房语录 (23)--我有一个梦
文章来源: 海棠花飞2008-03-07 12:42:07

督促小儿完成学校为纪念马丁路德 - 金布置的作文。如往常一样,在我不断催促,他心不在焉的情形下,涂鸦而就。检查时,发现他许多句子仍有缺胳膊少腿的 “ 残疾 ” 。 看到我的脸色开始转阴,他把笔一扔,长长地舒了口气,正色道: “Mom, I have a dream.”

“ 噢? ” 金前辈的梦不知引出了他什么白日梦,激起了我无穷的好奇心, “ 说来听听,妈没准还可以帮你圆梦呢。 ”

“My dream is----” 他眯细着眼,沉浸在无限美好的向往中, “Tomorrow will be the last day of the school. Then the day after tomorrow, the long, long, never-ending Summer Break will begin. I can play whatever I like and never ever need to do homework again.”

原来这小子思维奔腾,跳过春梦,直冲夏梦而去了,而且还美得想长梦不醒呢。在我们家,适当的臭美还是允许的,于是我也装着与他同憧憬那个美好景象,搂着他道, “What a beautiful dream! I am so so… happy for you.” 停顿一下后,又说, “Baby, Mom has a dream too , and this dream I am sure you can help me to make it come true.”

“Really? What is it?” 他两眼发亮。

“My dream is someday you finally can remember that after each sentence, there should have a little period. I have been nagging you daily just for that tiny black dot. You know I have been praying many years for that. Please make my dream come true. Please----.” 我故作可怜地求他。

他看我那样,乐了: “No problem at all. When my dream comes true --- no school, no homework, and there will be no need for period. Then your dream will come true too. Both our dreams will come true at the same time. What a wonderful world that will be!” 他的两眼又幸福地眯细上了。

海棠花飞   http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531