英语拾零: Five-second rule
文章来源: 天泽园2008-09-25 20:54:42
It's a five-second rule.


有一次跟老美一起在作菜, 结果食物就这么掉到地上, 隔壁的老美一把就捡起来, 我还以为他要把它丢到垃圾桶, 结果没想到他居然把它放回盘子里. 当我以质疑的眼光看着他时, 没想到他跟我说, "It's a five-second rule." 原来是这样的, 以前如果有人到餐馆打工, 老板就会告诉他, 食物掉到地上只要没超过五秒钟, 都可以捡起来再放回去, 如果超过五秒钟就太脏了, 那就只好丢掉了. 没想到这种说法越传越广, 所以很多老美都知道什么是 five-second rule. 我想在国内如果有人作出同样的动作时, 他大概会安慰别人说, 不干不净, 吃了没病. 没想到物换星移, 到了美国, 就成了这句, It's a five-second rule.


Five-second rule
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The five-second rule is a popular polite fiction regarding the eating of food that has fallen to the floor or ground. The origins of the rule are unknown. The substance of the rule is that if food falls on the ground, it may be safely eaten as long as it is picked up within 5 seconds

There are many variations on the rule. Sometimes the time limit is modified so that it is known variously as the "three-second rule", "seven-second rule", "the five-second rule" etc. In some variations, the person picking up the food arbitrarily extends the time limit based on the actual amount of time required to retrieve the food.