文章来源: 不很明了2010-07-23 14:56:35

来源: 245310-07-21 12:00:16
SORRY, I can't type Chinese. But I do need help in hurry.

I text my roommate on July 1st by phone that told her July is her last month to stay as she broke the house rule one person per room(she brings her bf to stay with her almost 3 months), and give her a legal letter last Sunday to tell her that she has to move out in two weeks.

Yesterday, I got a letter from her lawyer said the 需要以書面提前30天通知. Now I was wondering if the text on the phone count as 書面通知??

Please help me and THANKS in advance!!

来源: 單身老貓 于 08-08-20 08:08:24 

回答: 回复:回复:紧急求助,这样的租客可以赶走吗? 由 huntermage 于 2008-08-19 17:14:23

来源: 單身老貓10-07-21 12:07:11
一般的情況,書面通知就是書面通知(必須行之於文字並且郵寄或是專人遞交給對方),您的text message不是正式的書面通知.

来源: 245310-07-21 12:19:10
Thanks a lot,老貓!! So I have to let her stay another month, Aug.??

If so, How can I stop her to bring her bf to stay with her in Aug.? It's really annoying he like walking around in common area with bare chest, no matter how hard I tried to remind them not doing that:((((((((((

来源: 單身老貓10-07-21 13:52:43
是的,您需要給予對方一個書面的通知. 也就是說對方可以住到八月底....

同時我的朋友,這是21世紀了,開放一些可不可以,除非您的租約中規定,進入飯廳一定要西裝革履,人家要怎麼穿是人家的自由,只要人家的 BF不要逛到您的房間就行了,良心說有免費的猛男秀有什麼不好? 事實上如果每次您看到對方的 BF 特別是當著他的GF面前就一臉色迷迷的,如台灣小 S 見到猛男一般東摸摸西碰碰...甚至於大聲讚賞一番,老貓保證三天之內,這傢伙就會穿得整整齊齊的 :)
