文章来源: felicia12010-03-05 00:22:28


想给宝宝找衣服换,可以又想不起来放那里了,拉开抽屉翻。一面翻一面说:i will try my luck here. nope, no luck here.

翻另一个抽屉,:it's here, i found it!!

在一边看着的宝宝也跟着高兴:yeah, you found your luck!!


给宝宝找PJ,找不到同一套的衣服和裤子,只好凑合找来两套不同的。拿去给宝宝:i could not find the matching pj, these two are mismatched.

宝宝第一次听mismatch这词,耳朵立刻竖起来:what is mismatched?

“not matching"

"not matching?"

"these two are from two different pjs, put them together, they are mismatched"

宝宝觉得很好笑:mismatched....they miss their match!!

me O

以前看full house是很喜欢里面的老三,记得她喜欢跟着二姐姐的话(me too)说me 3!!

宝宝学会用me too,我就故意的说me 3. 她有点意外的看着我,然后说me 4。我也接着说me 5。两个无聊的人就接着的me下去。

宝宝me 10, me 20, me 100后,突然往回说:me 0!!


imaginary money

宝宝在公园也能玩pretend play。她把那里的jungle gym叫bouncy castle,因为她爱在里面跳。还时常告诉我说她的bouncy castle早上是几点开的,晚上几点关的。早上带她去,她就跑到jungle gym前说:i am going to open my bouncy castle, every kid could play in there.

晚上在家里会说她已把bouncy castle关了,因为太晚了。


最近她到了公园喜欢找钱,imaginary money。她就在公园到处逛,这摸摸那摸摸,回到我身边后就从口袋里拿出钱给我,还会报上多少。有时候还会说那里的钱都被她找完了,要到别的地方找。

lego block

忘了怎么说起来的,反正宝宝告诉我说她给她的朋友taxi的生日礼物是lego block。

这个很奇怪,因为她的block都是mega block,不知道她是从那里知道lego block这词。

于是就问:where did you get the lego block?

"i bought it"

"how much?"

"18 dollar"

"really, from where?"

"from a store"

"where is the store?"


"how did you go there?"

"by subway"

"which subway?"

"i can't remember, i think it's N,W,or R train"

"which station?"

"new york station"

"did you go alone?"

"no, you were with me"

"the store is closed to the station?"

"yes, after you climbed the stairs (from the subway), you will see it"

说得太有文有路了,不知道的还真以为我带她去买了lego block,再问:

"is that real?"

她得意的笑笑:no, it's only my imagination。