每日持仓位 --- July 27, 2007
文章来源: 股海一粟2007-07-27 14:45:55
Today’s Transactions:

Sold part of MS at $65.83
Reason: There is a good chance that this coming Monday will be extremely
volatile again. And certainly some investors may think of the Black
Monday 20 years ago. Although the chance of such an event is slim, I
want to take more chips off the table and raise cash to wait for more
good opportunities.

Closed SNDA at $27.86
Reason: The stock was bought at a wrong timing. As it broke the stop-loss
level, so just closed the position and move on.

Today’s Return: -2.17%
Return since inception(June 05, 2007): 10.90%
S&P 500 Return since June 05, 2007: -5.21%
Leverage: 1.06

My positions:

GRMN Oct 07 40 Call
GRMN Jan 08 50 Call
UTSI Jan 09 10 Call

XHB Dec 07 40 Put