每日持仓位 --- June 20, 2007
文章来源: 股海一粟2007-06-20 14:55:38
Today’s Transactions:

Initiated a position of MU at $12.95 with a stop-loss of $11.00
Reason: DRAM price seems to be bottomed last month and may climb from here if the demand of Vista is good. Plus, the capacity expansion has slowed down recently.

Added more MS at $89.36

Closed DWA at $28.85
Reason: the original idea is to gain from the heat of “Shrek 3”. However, it didn’t really materialize as anticipated. So close the position and move on.

Today’s Return: -2.11%
Return since inception(June 05, 2007): 6.03%
S&P 500 Return since June 05, 2007: -1.71%
Leverage: 1.85

My positions:

GRMN Oct 07 40 Call
GRMN Jan 08 50 Call
MS July 60 Call
CROX Jan 08 20 Call
UTSI Jan 09 10 Call
WMT Dec 07 40 Call

XHB Dec 07 40 Put
UPL Sep 07 80 Put
XLU Sep 07 47 Put
NUE Oct 07 80 Put