My Friends - H
文章来源: JustaVisitor2010-12-12 00:03:29


Being with Farah is like reading a book. All the good things that you can get from a book can be obtained by simply walking with her.

I met Farah in winter 2008. I still remember her introduction vividly today. “My name is Farah, spelling as F A R A H with an H at the end.” Better not mess up with me…(another voice speaking to me in my mind.)

Farah and I worked at the same department, but different divisions. We really don’t have much interaction at work. However, I remembered her very well just the way she is. When we met and passed by each other in the hall way, she will smile at you and have an eye contact with you. A very short greeting from her made you feel that she is a very fun and friendly person.

Really getting to know Farah started in spring time. When the weather got warmer and we decided to walk around the office area during lunch time. At the beginning, we walked in a small group, later, only Farah and I remain; the others found some other interesting things to do during the lunch time.

Our friendship was really building up by walking together every work day. I kindly of missed the daily walking, and would feel I lose something if I don’t walk with her at that day. So what makes the simple walking so addictive and interesting? I think back and the only reason that I can think of is the conversation we have built up. As we are in the similar age, even though I don’t know how old she is exactly. We have so much to talk about. I am a kindly of person who loves nature and sports. She is a kind of person who knows a lot of history, arts, culture, etc. When we walked, she would tell me all her childhood friends’ stories. One of them was been sending to boarding school in France by her parents when she was very young. Her friends visited her in summer time for 2 weeks, Farah was so excited and told me that her friend worked as an editor in one of well known fashion magazine in Paris since her friend was majoring the art of language when she was at school. Farah also talked about how she met her current husband, how she chose him over another guy and how that guy became rich, wealthy and is an enterpriser in Iran now. Of course, she was interested in learning how simple “romantic” things happened in my life. The picture she painted for her home country - Iran was so beautiful, with mountains, rivers, forests……

We walked through spring, through summer, through autumn. I left her before winter time as I moved on to next stage of my personal life. I know the book has just opened and I just read a few chapters. After I settled down in my current job, I can’t wait to touch base with her. Another side of her (Humour) was shown obviously in our e-mail communications even though we don’t email each other quite often.

to be continued....( I will update this writing when I feel to write...)


A friend is a book which I will never get tired of and I will carry with me on my journey beside my heart.


Dec. 12, 2010

Part 1. I had a thought to write about one of my friends a while ago. I m hoping that i can finish this piece of writing in 2 weeks. I keep on telling myself that - no pressure! no matter how bad it turns out, it is not going to be the end of world