郁闷的房子阿 !!!!
文章来源: farmersc2009-03-31 06:53:02
一大早, 我的电话就响。 我通常都会接电话。做地产的人不能不接电话。

我客户有个房子在买。 地方不好,黑黑的一片, 毒品肯定有。 我还不大想弄。

邻居告诉我。 好几个black teenage hung out in that vacant home. The owner inherited this home from her parents and it is been vacant for 1.5 years due to the probate at court.

The neighbor said: they made love in front of the house. COME ON, that just drove me nuts. Please do this kind of activity in your home, close your door.

They called the police, the police showed up, not doing anything, saying anything and gone. Wonder why they get salary??????

One conclusion: if a area like this, no matter how cheap the house, stay away, I am listing this house for $64,000, all hardwood floor 4 bedroom house