文章来源: winston_cui2006-07-06 10:25:16


Learn first that lesson of cooperation. Become less and less selfish, and more and more selfless in Him. Be not afraid to be made fun of to become aware of His presence, that self may be a channel through which the glory of the Father may come unto men in a manner that all may know there is a glory, even an Israel, of the Lord.






凯西说:我是一个不足称道的通道。 这个不足称道的通道为我们带来了丰富的灵性资料,几十年来无数人因凯西的解读而改变了他们的人生观和宇宙观,踏上有意识地灵性提升之路。每天我在问自己,作为一个管道,我传递了什么光和爱的信息?一个温暖的眼神、一句安慰的话语、一点随手的帮助、一缕善意的想法、一片对自然的欣赏、一段与神合一的冥想。不禁有了这样的祈祷:让神之灵充满我的身心,使我的思想、我的欲望、我的意志与神合一;让我成为一个合格的通道,灵性的光辉通过我照耀他人。