English - 震撼!中国大陆艾滋病人的悲惨生活(图)-今天,总算找到此悲惨的信息!
文章来源: zhonghuada2007-10-20 05:52:03


Shocks! The mainland China AIDS person's pitiful life (chart) - today,
finally found this pitiful information! Jun. 3, 2,006
Today, finally found this pitiful information! Chinese country
Emperor Hood Bin to Europe. 2,006, 6, 2.

Shocks! Mainland China AIDS person's pitiful life (chart)

    艾滋孤儿在父母坟前哭泣。The AIDS orphan, sobs in front of the parents grave.

    垂死的艾滋病患儿 Dying AIDS trouble

    老人的儿子死于艾滋病,孙子也是病毒携带者 Old person's son, dies of the AIDS, the grandson, also has the virus.

    卧病在床的艾滋病患者 Is ill in bed AIDS patient.

    丈夫因患艾滋病死亡,妻子悲痛欲绝 The husband, because of the AIDS death, the wife is deeply grieved.

    艾滋病患者在庙前磕头,可神仙也没救活她 The AIDS patient, kowtows in front of the temple, but, the deity has not  revived her.

    垂死的艾滋病患者 Dying AIDS patient

    垂死的艾滋病患者 Dying AIDS patient

     大陆论坛 | (博讯记者:胡军) (博讯 boxun.com)
AIDS, most frequently-occurring disease place, some village, outskirts of a village tomb.