文章来源: 偶行偶素2008-07-05 21:15:59




To propagate a gardenia (figure A):

                        figure A

1. Take a cutting from the shrub, choosing a stem that is neither new or old growth but a semi-hardwood cutting from the midsection of a stem.

2. Using sterile, sharp shears, cut just above a leaf axil (figure B). Note: A quick way to sterilize your cutting shears is to dip the blades in rubbing alcohol.

                               figure B

3.Remove the leaves along the base of the stem.

4. Make a diagonal cut at the base of the stem.

5. Dip the cutting in rooting hormone (figure C).

                                figure C

6. Make a small hole in the potting soil, and plant the cutting. Remember to use a soil that drains well.

7. Gently tamp the soil around the stem, and water thoroughly.

8. To create a humid environment for the plant, stake toothpicks, chopsticks, or even pencils around the base of the plant and place a piece of plastic over the top (figure D).

                                figure D