Kick Off Party
文章来源: licorne2005-01-16 16:23:25

Business season is coming! Everyone in the firm talked about Kick-off Party. What is that? I asked Stephanie. " It's business season Warm-up Party." She answered. Warm-up Party? I was confused.

This saturday I got my answer. Like every firm meeting, we were served by typical american breakfirst, Bagle, Muffin & Coffee. Coffee, I just wondered, can I live without it? How many cups I take each day? two, three, sometime four. I felt sad about that. Starting from when coffee worked like drug on me, starting from when I forgot "prendre un cafe dehors sous le soleil en france" . It's been my habite to stop by WaWa to get a cup every morning and finish my breakfast in the car.

Finishing my last pecan cake, our Kick-off party started. Alan started to give a speech about how fast growing our firm is and how busy we would be during the next three or four months. Busy life, yeah, it is just what I want and why I chose this firm. I skipped this part although this boss has a very good-looking.

The next step is free speech from every employees. It should be detailed information about yourself. I hate it. It's like the most difficult question in interview " tell me something about yourself ".

" I love business season" said by Stephanie. Everyone laughed. Somebody said" Hey Steph, we all knew that" " I'm gonna move closed to your Cubi to see how you like it and get your ethousiam about business season" Haha, laughed again everyone.

Everyone tried to make their short speech funny strong enough to show their sense of humor and their working attitude for the next four months. What should I say? It's been four months since I started this job. I believe I did a great job. From the words of managers and the looking-at of partners I saw their satisfaction.

" It's a big challenge to me this year. It's a bigger firm, bigger clients. Last week something happened made me realized how important our job. A CEO of a firm I knew was caught because he stole $40,000,000 from the firm. Although the firm has been audited during the past years, no one found this money short until this big amount was disapeared from bank. I was shocked and sad. I really repect our job and I know how important role we are playing in the business world. "

When I finished my words, I heard mummers from people to show surprise. Then I heard someone said " Great!" I know I did not flert anyone or my boss. What i said it's all true from heart. I love my job and it's my duty and belief to find fraud.

After employees' speech, the biggest boss gave everyone a handout - firm's ethic. I already read it in the employee manual. I think I understand more right now. Then he said " We are a Team, without your effort, we won't be continuing. Sometimes if me or other partners or manager yield you, please don't hate us. We don't do that on purpose. You guys are the valuest asset of the firm. "

I really like it. I think everyone sitting their like it too. To employees, the most important thing is your job is satisfied, appreciated and  valued by your boss.

Up until now, I suddenly realized something Kick-off Party in Chinese is 动员大会. I couldn't help laughing. Max looked at me oddly, I wish I could explain to him in Chinese.