文章来源: east2west2007-01-31 00:52:38
上坛看到乐园的“100 Things to do in Australia before you die”,觉得这种内容比较快乐,我也来凑个热闹响应。可惜,乐园没把100 Things 全部贴出来,恳请你有空打出来,让偶这种游手好闲之辈可按图索骥。

凑巧,昨天的《Sunday Herald Sun》上登了篇“10 places in Australia to see before you die”,我把它摘了上来。看看大家去过几个?

1. kakadu national park (NT)
2. Great Barrier Reef (QLD)
3. Uluru (NT)
4. Cradle Mountain (TAS)
5. Kimberley/Bungle Bungle (WA)
6. Kangaroo Island (SA)
7. Sydney Harbour (NSW)
8. Fraser Island (QLD)
9. Great Ocean Road (VIC))
10. The Blue Mountains (NSW)

例如:住悉尼者,至少去过Sydney Harbour、The Blue Mountains;
住墨尔本者,至少去过Great Ocean Road;
住阿德莱得者,至少去过Kangaroo Island;
住布里斯班者,至少去过Fraser Island;


Great Barrier Reef

Kangaroo Island

Sydney Harbour

Fraser Island

Great Ocean Road

The Blue Mountains