CNN Sarah Palin的女儿怀孕,并准备和孩爸结婚
文章来源: 2008-09-01 10:17:52

From Dana Bash

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.

Republican presidential candidate McCain was aware of Bristol Palin\'s pregnancy before he chose her mother for his running mate, the aide said.

Senator McCain knew this and felt in no way did it disqualify her from being vice president, said the aide. Families have difficulties sometimes, and lucky for her she has a supportive family.

The 17-year-old, a senior in high school, is about five months along, in her second trimester, according to the aide.

The aide said it was decided the campaign would reveal this information now because of rampant Internet rumors that Sarah Palin\'s 4-month-old baby, who has Down syndrome, was actually Bristol\'s.

In the course of correcting that, we needed to get the truth out, said the McCain aide.

Sarah and Todd Palin issued a statement saying they are proud of Bristol\'s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents.

They also asked the media to respect their daughter\'s privacy.

The McCain aide insisted a key point to keep in mind is that Bristol decided to keep the baby, a decision supported by her parents.
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