夏威夷地震亲历 Maui, Hawaii. Oct. 2006
文章来源: laoyangdelp2007-04-24 13:17:21

地震时俺在MAUI度假。早上7:07俺还在床上呢,穿着睡衣就跑出来了。听电台说没有海啸,因停电早饭就到海滩上去BBQ了。MUAI 比 Honolulu 好,虽然离大岛(震源)更近,只停电两小时。本来那天准备到楼前的海滩snorkeling, 可风大浪高,没去。就带着小的们泡游泳池了。

俺在 MUAI 经济实惠的(或称贫民窟  ) Kihei (one block from Wailea). We rented a 2br condo on Kamaole beach III with full facilities (full kitchen with food, beach toys, boogie boards, kids wading pools etc.) for $125/night.

My favorite thing is snorkeling at Molokini and watch giant green sea turtles swim and dive。Molokini 是一个很小的火山珊瑚岛,没人居住。从Maui 大岛上可看见。开船去不到20分钟,票价30到45不等。此处的特点是可以看到 green turtle. 如果是个游泳好手,可以游到水底火山 crater 的边缘,看深海,一片深蓝,very impressive. 也是别处看不到的。

Sunset from across the street our condo

Surfers - on the way to Royal pool