请教一个IP Camera设置问题
文章来源: SSH2009-11-09 04:23:10

我刚买了一个IP Camera,在家里的LAN查看没有问题,不过不能通过Internet查看。我设置步骤如下,请高手们帮我参谋一下。

1. Set up IP camera to a local static IP, such as with a port number 1234
2. Set up DNS Server to my ISP DNS server address
3. Create a DNS account in dyndns.com to point to my public static IP address, web link is like ipcam.webhop.biz
4. Configure my Dlink router DSL-G604T to create a virtual server to port forward http traffic in port 1234 to my IP Camera\'s IP address
5. Open DMZ to only allow be exposed to internet

Then I tried view my ip camera through http://ipcam.webhop.biz:1234, but I could not be able to view it.

在这过程中,我肯定错过某一个步骤,恳请大家帮我参详参详 .