《Mid-summer Night》 (图)
文章来源: 作舟诗集2005-01-23 16:12:26

Foto: by Fukuda Mid-summer Night We have learned this skill of escaping from a world we’ll never escape. The air is lukewarm inside Koji Osakaya-- a miniature hurly-burly. We dream of going away again. Yes, it’s such a peaceful night. Mind is drifting further and further. A shrimp is swimming among onions: a poem should be written for nothing but a pot of Udon. But first you have to learn to eat shamelessly, like the well-to-do with the eyes of dead fish, watching those dancing waitresses & the mustached waiter almost slapped himself for dropping a tea bowl; a young mother with her daughter are seated next to us as I read the line of Roethke: I suffered for birds, for young rabbits caught in the mower, My grief was not excessive.