Do You Remember?
文章来源: 作舟诗集2004-12-31 20:47:39
1. Do you remember the tender branches of youth shaken by the messenger from the moon, the fruit of longing heavier than wind ripened by the touch of a suffering prince? 2. Do you remember how small and laborious your steps were trying to grow out of innocence in this muddy world? 3. Once outside the womb, one step at a time. 4. Do you still remember that forgotten song in the abandoned garden where you befriended with the strange hands of life and death and the coolness of its sweet tasting shadows called love? 5. Do you remember what tomorrow said as you travel toward the beginning of a whisper, a gesture of wordless love that's buried deep under the disguise of years of waiting, making and remaking of what's not yours, but ours in a house strange to us all? ---May 2004