烈文 - 詩經.周頌4 (中英譯文)
文章来源: superson2014-12-12 09:18:56

原文       譯文

烈文辟公,    文德光明的百官諸侯,
錫茲祉福,    上天的祝福多麼豐厚,
惠我無疆,    天賜的恩惠無疆無窮,
子孫保之。    子孫世代不斷的保守。

無封靡于爾邦,  因為邦國没有犯罪作惡,
維王其崇之,   所以周王不斷讚美你我,
念茲戎功,    願大家紀念祖先的功績,
繼序其皇之。   時時繼承使它大放光澤。

無競維人,    得著賢能者國家豈能不強盛,
四方其訓之,   連四方的諸侯都會前來順從,
不顯維德,    得著仁德者國家豈能不興隆,
百辟其刑之,   天下百官諸侯都會前來效忠,
於乎前王不忘  先王的功績時時不忘多稱頌!


Officials and dukes of great virtue and bright wisdom
For you are abundant blessings coming down from heaven
The heavenly grace is boundless and of infinity
Future generations will continue preserving

Without crime or evildoing in your states
Our king appreciates and commends you and me
Keep in mind of the achievement of our forefathers
Continue inheriting and magnifying always

How can the kingdom not be strong with the leadership of able men?
In deed nations from all the world will come to heel
How can the kingdom not be prosperous with the service of virtuous men?
In deed officials from all levels will come to endorse their loyalty
Oh, never forget praising our forefathers for their great achievement

