看了Model home后定房受骗的同志们请进
文章来源: willhung2007-04-09 12:45:13
builder一般很狡猾,model home总是比普通的房子装修要豪华一些,尺寸上可能也稍大一些。等交房或者选装修的时候,builder才会把实情告诉你,但由于在Contract中并无特别说明,购房者也无从打官司,多数只能吃哑巴亏。所以在写购房Contract的时候,一定要加上明确的条文,把自己的房子和样板房link起来,即使builder要涨点钱,也比事后吃哑巴亏要好。

1. home to be finished with the same amenities as (Model home address, Lot # of your ssubdivision) unless mentioned differently in this contract.
2. Floor plan and size of the home to be the same as (Model home address, Lot # of your ssubdivision) unless mentioned differently in this contract.