文章来源: 二狗娘2007-10-04 20:04:26
1. "Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China" by John Pomfret

2. "A Thousand Miles of Dreams: The Journeys of Two Chinese Sisters" By Sasha Su-Ling Welland

3. "Tears Before the Rain: An Oral History of the Fall of Vietnam" By Larry Engelman

4. "Daughter of China: A True Story of Love and Betrayal" by Meihong Xu , Larry Engelmann

5. "Wild Swans " by Chang, Jung (这本书我12年前在英国看过,当时此书刚刚荣获Royal的图书奖)

6. "Feather in the Storm: A Childhood Lost in Chaos" by Emily Wu and Larry Engelmann

上面提到的作者Larry Engelmann 是我一位即将病逝的朋友的朋友。我的朋友昨天来看我,特意给我介绍了他的朋友Larry Engelman和他的作品。我已经看了不少浪漫抒情和侦查破案的小说,这回换个口味,看看中国人口述,美英人记录下的中国和中国人。


